Chapter 1

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Cywren pulled out her Jayhawk pistol as a large group of red lines appeared on her radar. She sneaked over to a rock and peered over it to see her opponents.

A raider camp was set up by a large bridge. The raiders were equipped with assault rifles and 10mm pistols. Their armor looked powerful and intimidating.

Cywren looked at her team. Timebomb held a laser pistol while Copper equipped himself his signature gatling laser. She looked down at her Jayhawk. Fifteen rounds left in her pocket and six in the pistol. In her inventory, she had five frag grenades and two plasma grenades. If needed, her assault rifle had over 200 rounds left.

She pulled out her frag grenades and tossed them into the camp recklessly. Explosions rocked the area and bodies flew every which way. Cywren prepared a plasma grenade but an explosion knocked her balance off and she dropped it. A shout from a familiar voice rang out and a bright blue explosion wrapped itself around Cywren. The plasma energy burned through her armor and singed her skin. Cywren tried to scream but no sound dared to escape her lips. The air became hot and her lungs ached. Beads of sweat formed on her face as her armor burned. After what seemed like years, the light vanished and everything faded to black, the burns on her skin giving her pain.

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