Chapter 5

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Morning came like an unwanted guest. The light of the sun seeped through the holes of the corroding metal ceiling and hit the faces of our young heroes. Cywren opened her eyes slowly, the weight of her previous night's wounds making her tired. Timebomb laid in front of her, goggles in his hand and in a deep sleep.

Cywren couldn't help but smile. Timebomb looked cute without his goggles. She looked at the floor to find a pool of dried blood surrounding them. She sat up and the sound of dry blood crunching from her movement woke Timebomb.

"Good morning," he said as he sat up, the dry blood cracking from his movement.

"Good morning," Cywren replied.

"Are you doing better?"

Cywren opened her Pip-Boy menu and checked the health gauge. The counter read 500/3,500. "Yeah," she replied. "I just need some stimpacks and I'll be good. What about you?"

"I have some pain in my shoulder but other than that, I just need some stimpacks."

Cywren stood up and helped Timebomb up. "Then lets see the Megaton doctor. He'll fix us up for only 150 caps."

"Then lets go."

They grabbed each other's hands and walked down to the clinic. The doctor looked them over.

"You look as if you walked through a raider camp and asked to get shot! I'll have to charge you 200 caps."

"That's fine," Cywren replied as she pulled out her bag of caps. She counted 200 caps and gave them to the doctor.

"Alright, just lie down on the beds and I'll get you fixed up."

"Thanks, doc," Timebomb said as he laid down.

The doctor pulled a syringe out and gave his patients their shots. Shortly after the needle penetrated their skin, they closed their eyes and fell fast asleep as the doctor performed the operations.

The Wastelands (VenturianTale fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz