Chapter 13

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The Vault door was open and the console room was covered in blood. Bloody messages littered the walls, speaking of a rebellion, making Cywren worry about Amata. The Outcasts opened up the Overseer's office and let Cywren walk inside. The once simple office now had countless consoles hooked up. A blonde Outcast looked at her as the door shut behind her.

"Ah! Cywren Caster and Timebomb!" He took a step toward them. "Welcome to our base of operations."

"What happened to the original residents," Cywren asked as she looked out of the window to the Outcasts down below.

"There was some kind of rebellion in the vault and it ended with a gunfight." The Outcast pulled out a folder from his desk and handed it to Cywren. "These are the photos we took when we first entered."

Cywren forced herself to open the folder and looked through the photos of the dead. The Tunnel Snakes, Amata's father, the security guards, a few civilians... Cywren threw the folder at the window and fell to her knees. She slammed her fists on the ground and began to cry, her tears falling like rain. The photos settled on the floor as Timebomb moved in to comfort her. One photograph floated down beside Cywren and Timebomb took a quick look, making him understand Cywren's deep sorrow.

In the photo, Amata laid dead in her bed, a bullet hole in her forehead and blood splattered across her bedroom walls.

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