Chapter 14

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Cywren remained motionless on the bed, her back facing the window and her face toward the bedroom wall. Timebomb stood in the hall, watching, waiting for her to let him in. An Outcast walked up in the window and peered in.

"Is she still upset," he asked.

"Yes," Timebomb sighed. "I wish I could comfort her but she locked me out."

"I know how that feels. When my sister's upset, she locks me out of her room and refuses to talk to me. Sometimes you just need to leave them alone."

Timebomb touched the glass. "She probably thinks Amata's death was her fault."

"It wasn't." The Outcast placed a hand on Timebomb's shoulder. "She'll eventually figure it out and move on. We have buried the dead and identified them using the Overseer's terminal. Its just outside the vault if she wants to see Amata's grave."

The Outcast turned and continued down the hall, leaving Timebomb alone, watching Cywren mourn over the loss of her best friend.


Cywren got up and looked at her hands. Could she have saved Amata from her cruel death? Maybe if she stayed in the vault after talking to Amata's dad, then the rebellion might not have happened. Cywren walked up to a wall and placed her head against it.

"I'm sorry I didn't save you," she whispered. "I hope you'll forgive me."

Cywren unlocked her door and walked out, slowly. Timebomb walked up to her and stopped a foot away, his face bearing that of a broken heart. Timebomb took a step forward and gave Cywren a hug. Cywren's eyes were empty of meaning and she didn't react to Timebomb.

As soon as he released her she walked toward the vault exit. Timebomb followed her in silence until they overlooked Springvale. Cywren pulled up her Pip-Boy and teleported them to the Feral Ghoul's Metro Station. Before Cywren could open the gates to let herself in, Timebomb grabbed her shoulder.

"Cywren, are you alright? I thought we were going to stay with the Outcasts?"

Cywren knocked Timebomb's hand off and opened the gate. "I'm fine, Timebomb. As for staying, I don't want to stay where my friends were murdered."

They walked deep into the station until they saw a large group of hostile ghouls. Cywren drew out her Jayhawk and quickly fired at the Ghouls, killing two in the five shot burst. She quickly reloaded as a Ghoul rushed up to her. Timebomb quickly punched the Ghoul back and finished it with a quick head-shot. Cywren continued walking forward, shooting the Ghouls as if it were a bore. After knocking down half of the group, a Ghoul tackled Cywren while she was reloading and bit her shoulder. It clawed at Cywren's chest and beat her. Timebomb quickly shot it but then was tackled by three more. Cywren remained motionless on the floor, her health meter slowly dropping from thirty. This was dying. Pain in her wounds, blood oozing from her body, and the fresh smell of gunfire in the air. She felt death dragging her deeper and deeper into the end, making Cywren question everything she had done. Her health bar hit one and Cywren let herself lose consciousness.

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