Chapter 12

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Enclave foot soldiers fired powerful plasma shots at the five Deathclaws rushing at the gates of Megaton but to no avail. The powerful creatures easily cut through their armor and killed the soldiers instantly. Cywren rushed Timebomb into her house and locked the door. She drew her Jayhawk out while Timebomb pulled out his gatling laser. Holes began to appear on the walls surrounding them as the Deathclaws' battle cries killed a lot of the hope Cywren had at victory.

"Any last words," Cywren said to Timebomb.

"I love you. I just wish we had more time."

"Me, too."

Just as a wall collapsed, a storm of bullets raged war against the Deathclaws. Cywren and Timebomb shot furiously at the beasts who were confused on who to attack. After half a minute, the five died.

Cywren looked around the corner to find the Outcasts holding their miniguns. One of them took off his helmet as he walked over to Cywren.

"Looks like your lucky we were passing by," he said. He extended his arm. "Th' names Firecracker."

Cywren shook his hand. "I'm Cywren, Cywren Caster."

Timebomb shook his hand. "I'm Timebomb."

The Outcast smirked. "You two are being hunted by every organized party in the wasteland. The Brotherhood of Steel, the Enclave, the Raiders, the Ghouls, and even the Supermutants. We are the only ones who don't want to splatter your blood across the wastes."

Cywren grabbed her left arm. "We've been wanting to settle down and live a normal civilian life in the wasteland but with all the wanted posts and hunters... we just can't seem to take a break. Even the settlers here give us a dirty look and leave threatening signs on our door."

Firecracker looked at the helmet in his hands. "Thats what we Outcasts do: help the denied get what they need the most and defend them. Our leader has been wanting to see you for a while now."

Timebomb stepped forward. "We aren't going to be soldiers in your army."

Firecracker put his hands up. "Thats not why he wants to see you. Come with us and we'll show you."

Cywren and Timebomb exchanged glances. Cywren gave a sigh and followed the Outcasts to their base of operations, to a place Cywren thought was impossible to return to, they travelled deep down into Vault 101.

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