Chapter 3

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As Cywren closed her eyes to sleep under the stars, Copper tapped her shoulder, forcing her body to stay awake.

"Cywren? I hope you don't mind me waking you, but we must talk."

Cywren sat up and looked at her Pipboy. "Okay. What do you need?"

"Lets talk away from camp so that I do not wake Timebomb and Quasar."

Cywren agreed and they walked 100 yards from their camp. Cywren put on her glasses and looked up at her companion.

"What do you need?"

"Its not what I need, but what Timebomb needs." Copper glanced at the camp. "He troubles himself for your safety."

"I know. He proved that today."

"Do you know why he uses himself as a forward shield for you?"

Cywren opened her mouth to reply but no answer came out. She didn't know why for sure. "Maybe because I saved him when he was dying?"

Copper nodded. "That could be the cause but we both know that he knows its been repaid, just as my services have been."

Cywren glanced at the camp. "What are you saying?"

"Since you do not see what Timebomb is doing for you, I must leave."

"Leave? Why?"

"I will only interfere with your search for the truth of his heart. I will be at the National Archives. Visit me when you figured it out."

"Wait! You don't have to leave!"

"Your kind has treated me kindly since I started following you. Its time for me to show the world who I am on my own."

And with that, the Super Mutant walked off, leaving Cywren to ponder what his final hints meant.

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