Chapter 2

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Cywren opened her eyes to find herself in a white room. There was nothing but a white chair in the room. She wore a white dress with a golden tiara on her head. A gold ring was wrapped around her finger and a bouquet of flowers was in her hand.

"Where am I?" the Wastelander wondered. "Where are my friends?" A shadow appeared in the distance and stood tall but silent. Cywren stared at it for a moment. "Is anyone there?"

The shadow nodded and walked up to Cywren. It was Timebomb.


"Timebomb! Where are we?"

He stopped a foot away as if a transparent wall blocked his path.

"Please... don't die..."

"Die? What's going on!"

"Please... come back to me..." His body started to vanish slowly. His eyes were filled with tears and he quickly closed them. "You can't be dead... you're tougher than that."

Cywren ran up to Timebomb but was stopped by the same wall. She slammed on the wall.

"Timebomb! I'm not dead! Can't you hear me!?"

He slid down to his knees and pressed his hands against the wall. "Cywren... I... I never told you..."


"He cannot hear you," a deep voice whispered from behind Cywren. She turned around to see a wingless, blue dragon staring at her. "You are between death and life now. Get up!"

"But... Timebomb's here!"

"He is nothing but a body in your mind. His words are reaching you from life. I am your consciousness that waits for you in death. You have a choice of returning to the world of death or returning to the world of eternal life."

Cywren looked at Timebomb, who was crying tears onto the floor.

"I want to return to the Wastelands," Cywren said. "I still have things to be done."

The dragon smiled. "You are different from the others. You chose Earth. See you next time."

The dragon turned to stone and burned into ashes. The sound of glass shattering echoed through the room and everything went dark.


Cywren opened her weary eyes and saw Timebomb crying into her chest. She was in his arms, a burning sensation covering her body. Cywren grunted at the pain and Timebomb lifted his head.


"Hey Timebomb, ngh, are you okay?"

He teared up even more. "Are you okay? I thought you died!"

Cywren tried to lift her arm to see her Pipboy but her body was too weak. "Timebomb, what does my Pipboy say about my, ngh, health?"

He wiped an eyes and lifted her arm slowly. "1/2000."

Cywren sighed. "Can you administer Stimpacks for me?"

Timebomb opened the Items menu and administered a few Stimpacks. When they were applied, Cywren stretched her arms.

"Why did you use the plasma grenades?" Timebomb asked. "You knew they were tough to use!"

"I thought I could wipe out more raiders quicker than just using my Jayhawk." She stood up slowly and looked at the burning bodies. She quickly turned away and started tampering with her inventory. "Besides, I didn't expect one of the explosions to affect my throwing."

Timebomb sighed. "Just don't take risks like that, okay?"

"Okay. By the way, you said you didn't tell me something. What was it?"

He blushed and turned away. "I just... never told you how beautiful I thought you looked in your glasses."

Cywren examined her glasses. "I guess they bring out my eyes..."

Timebomb reloaded his pistol and holstered it. "Just... be careful."

The Wastelands (VenturianTale fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now