Chapter 15

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Voices hovered above Cywren, asking each other inaudible questions. Not long after they finished talking, a needle pierced her arm and a familiar liquid began to travel through her veins, a Stimpack. She opened her eyes to see her health bar halfway full. An Outcast hovered above her with another Stimpack. Cywren sat up but the Outcast forced her back down.

"Try not to move," the Outcast said. "I'm almost done." The Outcast applied the final Stimpack and turned away. "Your boyfriend is outside. He wanted to see you wake up but I told him to wait."

Cywren looked at the door. "Am I alive?"

"Yes, ma'am. What were you expecting?"

Cywren pulled her Pip-Boy to her face. "I thought I was going to die."

The door slid open and Timebomb rushed in. "Cywren, are you okay?"

The Outcast grabbed his wrist and tossed him toward the door. "Hey! She's still recovering. Try not to rush her."

"Cywren, please answer me."

Cywren dropped her arm and looked at Timebomb. Once he saw the empty eyes staring back at him, he lowered his head and stood up. He turned toward the door and walked out without a word.

"That poor guy waited four hours for you and all you do is give him a look." The Outcast shut the door and turned toward Cywren. "What did he do to deserve that treatment?"

Cywren thought it over quickly and her eyes teared up. "He... he did nothing. I just..."

"Look, miss. I know its not my business but if you keep wallowing in your despair, your boyfriends going to think its his fault. The Outcasts lost more family than you saw in the photos. Sure, we blamed ourselves for their deaths but we moved on for the sake of the living."

Cywren looked at the ceiling and let her tears fall. "Was I being selfish to Timebomb for acting this way?"

"Sorrow for a loss is a natural reaction. Keeping it up is selfish." Cywren sat up and wiped her tears. She hopped off the bed and started to walk to the door. "Hey! I need to complete my report!"

Cywren ignored the Outcast and opened the door. Timebomb was sitting on a bench. When he saw her, he quickly sat up and saw the life in her eyes. Cywren ran to Timebomb and hugged him. She cried into his armor and squeezed him tight.

"I'm sorry," she apologized. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Timebomb wrapped his arms around her. "Its okay. Its okay."

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