you mean the world to me

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Alexandra POV
I walk into my house covered in my dad's blood as I walk up the stairs to my room going into the bathroom closing and locking the door and I look into the mirror and see my face my eyes are all blood shut red, I take off my jacket and shirt leaving me in a black tank top shirt. I see the mark on my right shoulder where they inject me it was big and I touched it but it hurt then it turns purplish as it was a bruise and I sob softly. I put my hands on the each of the sink and sob softy so Stefan can't hear me. My hair is a mess covered with some of my dad's blood, as the images of people who had died in front of me go through my mind I couldn't help but cry


"I did everything for her. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me, sister" she said to me and cries

"I know you did. Don't apologize you don't need to, you did nothing wrong "I said with tears coming down my cheeks

"You're the best sister I ever had, I'm glad we meet. You and I have so much in common. Getting to know you meant a lot to me. I came to town looking for my mother instead not only did I find her, but I found my sister and got to meet my nephew and niece" she said and smiles weakly

"Nadia, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I thought I lost Katherine as our mother only to find out she was alive in my other sister's body, but now I'm losing my sister. If I had the cure I would give it to you" I said

"It's okay I will watch over you. I love you Alexandra Petrova" she said as we take our hands into each other's

I smile at her. "I love you too Nadia Petrova" I said

"Please forgive me. I don't want to die knowing you that you don't" she said

I rubbed Nadia's hair back. "I forgive you, sister" I whispered and she smiled and tears came down her cheeks.

"Thank you, Alexa" she whispered back at me

she dies with her eyes open and I close them crying and put the blanket over her

I cry just thinking of her first death before having another flashback

"Alexa my beautiful youngest daughter. I am so so sorry for everything I did to you. You taught me how to live and how life should be lived. You taught me things that I never learned before. Because of you I got an amazing life with you in it. You and Nadia got along so well being partners in crime. I got revenge on Damon for you by breaking his heart, remember when he broke your heart. Because I do. Alex I love you so much, don't ever forget that" my mom said to me and cries

I look at her feeling my tears wanting to fall but I'm fighting them.

"Because of all of you. My daughter will be heartbroken and hate all of you for killing her sister and mother" she said looking at everyone

"I love you, mom" I said

"I know sweetie. I will always love you" she said and she hugs me

After she pulls away, she's stabbed by Stefan with the Traveler's knife.

"It's all their fault's, don't forget that.... I love you" she said and she falls down, Matt catches her, then she sinks to the ground, leaning against the couch

Everyone's watching her, she closes her eyes. When she opens them they're black. She closes them and opens them again.

I close my eyes just before another one comes through my mind

Julian who was possessing Tyler reaches into Stefan's chest cavity and pulls out his heart. I gasp as his skin starts to desiccate, before Stefan falls to the pavement; dead

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