he's family

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I put Nina down for her nap and Elena is also taking a nap and Damon is playing video games and then my phone rings and I answer it quick

"Hello?" I answered

"Well if it isn't my old lover?" The person said

I know her voice from anywhere, how did she did my number

"Arabella" I said

"Kol I want to meet you in about an hour by the alley behind the Mystic grill see you" she said and hangs up before I can speak

I sigh and put my phone down and run my hands through my hair when Elena walks in the room looking at me

"Kol what happened?" she asked

"Arabella just called me and she wants to meet" I said

"and your going, right?" she said

"I have to see what she wants" I said

"I'm not sure about this, I don't want you meeting her because you know what she did to Klaus, I don't want the same to happen to you" she said concerned cupping my face in her hands "Please don't go" she said

"Elena I have to go" I said

"No please don't. If anything happens to you I couldn't handle myself" she said

I sigh removing her hands from my face before walking out of the room

"Kol! Kol!" she said walking behind me but I ignore her

I open the front door and walk out of the house going to my car

I'm about my family home and we were in the living room drinking and I start telling them about Arabella calling me

"Arabella called you, what the hell was she thinking?!" Rebekah aske upset

"How did Elena take it?" Elijah asked

"She didn't want me to go, she was scared thinking that Arabella will kill me" I said

"she can and probably will, she's dangerous and you know that" Rebekah said

"she didn't kill Klaus she let him go" I said

"yeah, but she had her reasons, you were one of her torturers"Freya said

"I only did it because Klaus forced us to!" I said upset before taking a sip of the drink

"She said that she forgive me a long time ago but part of her didn't want to" Klaus said

"I think she has changed that she is no longer that girl we meet back when she was human. She is a broken girl, a girl who has lost everything because of us" Elijah said

"If I haven't became friends with her and ask where her family was, then you would have never known who were her family was and they won't be killed" Rebekah said

"I had to do what I had to do" Klaus said

"She blames Katerina for what happened to her! And you don't care?!" Elijah said upset

"What do you want me to do, go back in time and not kill them!" Klaus said upset

"Stop! Arguing is not going to do anything! I'm going to see what Arabella wants and nobody is going to stop me" I said and walk out of the house slamming the door shut

Arabella POV
I'm waiting in the alley for Kol to show up, I'm going to make a deal with him. I sigh when I see him walking towards me

"Hello Kol" I said

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