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Mason POV
It's been five days since Davina and I were let go by Arabella and we have been looking for my mom first we're trying to get Kol. Were in the woods along with Elena we found out where he was by using a locator spell to find out where he is.

"where could he be?" Elena asked as were walking through the forest

"I really hope we find him because he's just getting more dangeorus" I said

"yeah he is but with makes him even more, let's hope that she's not with him" Elena said

"yeah" I said

Then out of nowhere a big tree branch breaks almost hitting Elena and I move her out of the way and it lands on the ground.

"thanks" she said

"of course little sis" I said

Then we hear the sound of a neck snapped and we turn to see it's Freddy a werewolf from my pack with his eyes open their yellow. I look at him shocked as I knee down in front of his body

"Freddy" I said worried

"Oh my god is he dead?" Davina asked scared

"Yeah...he is" I said feeling hurt

He was a great friend of mine, we known each other since we were ten his mom use to take care of me and Isabella before my dad killed her. His neck was snapped but he was dead before, I look closer to his face seeing marks of torture and his stomach with so much blood he was shot three times with silver bullets. The thought of him being tortured then killed makes me angry it had to be Arabella she either did it herself or had Kol, my mom or Kai do it. I start to cry looking at his dead body

"I'm not leaving here, I'm going to give him a proper burial. He deserves that, he was my best friend like a brother to me" I said

"He was such a great friend I can't believe he's gone" Elena said crying

Freddy and I haven't seen each other in twenty six years but he was part of my pack, we were best friends despite what happened between us but he is like a brother to me, nothing can change that. I'm going to avenge his death

"Too bad your little wolf can't live long enough to warn you" I heard Kol said making us turn around

We turn around to see Kol standing there smirking leaning against a tree

"Kol you did this?" Elena asked upset

"Yeah and it was funny to hear him scream as I cut his face he try to be tough and he was but it didn't last long until I decided to put the gun in his stomach pulling the trigger killing him" he said

"You son of a bitch! I'll kill you!"' I said angry

I'm about to attack him when I'm push against a tree and I see my mom "you don't give up do you. Arabella let you go and you go after us once again" she said

"honeslty what were you thinking that you can bring us back? Sorry but were not interested we made that pretty clear" he said

Elena goes to attack Kol when my mom raises her hand up making me and Elena clutch at our heads and we scream out in pain then everything goes black

We walk up a few minutes later and they are gone but Freddy's body is still there seeing Davina standing up with the side of her head gushing with blood

"ugh" Elena said waking up

" Davina are you okay?" I asked concnerned walking towards her "what did they do to you?" I asked

"Kol used threw me against the tree knocking me unconscious after your neck were snapped" she said

"Your bleeding a lot" I said looking at the side of her head concerned

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