broke the curse

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Arabella POV
I'm looking at myself in the mirror seeing the big scar that Alex left me on the left side of my face, she threw me against the wall so hard. It hurts and I can't stand looking at it, making me look ugly and I touch it making me groan in pain. Tonight I will end Katerina's life by making her pay for what happened to our family she doesn't deserve to live. I scream and throw a glass cup against the wall

"I will kill you Katerina Petrova!" I screamed out before walking out of the bathroom

I go downstairs and see my parents and Edith making me shocked to see them

"mama? papa? Edith?" I said shocked/confused

I must be hallucinating they are not really here what is going on

"Arabella трябва да спре това отмъщение, че срещу Katerina не е виновна за нашата смърт" my mother said

(you must stop this revenge that you against Katerina she is not to blame for our death)

"you're not real. you're not really here. You're messing with my head" I said

"Arabella не бяха живи, а ние сме духове. Сестра, моля, спре това отмъщение, не можете да убиете нашата сестра, че не е направила нищо лошо" my sister said

(were not alive but we are spirits. Sister please stop this revenge you can't kill our sister she has done nothing wrong)

I clutch at my head shaking my head

"no, no this not real your not real. This isn't real!" I said feeling like I'm going to lose to mind

"Arabella,спрете тези глупости точно сега и просто забравете отмъщението си да прости на сестра ви веднъж завинаги! Прекалено дълго!" my father said angry with me

(Arabella, stop this nonsense right now and just forget your revenge forgive your sister once and for all! It was not her fault! It's been too long!)

I run my hands through my hair this can't be happening they are not really here they are dead, their spirits aren't really here. I'm hallucinating.

"leave me alone please! Your not real!" I said feeling like I'm going to cry

"ако не спираш, ще умреш" my father said

(if you don't stop you will die)

"нашата внучка вашата племенница се опитва да ви помогне и всичко, което сте направили, е да разрушите живота й, трябва да се срамувате от Arabella. Трябва да оставиш това да върви" my mother said

(our granddaughter your niece is trying to help you and all you did was ruin her life you should be ashamed Arabella. You need to let this go)

I look up at them feeling guilt and hurt as the words of my father, mother and sister hit me.

"I can't, I don't want to I'm trying to fight it, butt the darkness is stronger and controls me and I rather die than kill my sister. I want it to end" I said as tears start to form in my eyes

"можеше да го сложиш край, но ти остави тъмнината да поеме вместо да се бие" my father said

(you could have ended it but you let the darkness take over instead of fighting)

"Дойдохме да ви кажем, че отмъщението ви трябва да приключи и това никога не би трябвало да започне" my mother said

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