your not sorry

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Grayson POV
It's been two weeks since Matt, Lizzie, John and I last seen mom and we haven't really told anyone yet because we know how everyone will react especially my uncle Damon. I'm drinking some beer sitting on the front porch when the front door opens and I turn around seeing John coming out.

"hey what you doing out here?" he asked sitting next to me

"I'm just thinking about we should tell uncle Damon and dad about seeing mom and what happened" I said

"are you serious? they will be pissed at us for not doing anything" he said

"I know, but we have to tell them because they need to know" I said

he sighs and runs his hands through his hair "fine we'll tell uncle Damon and dad" he said

I nod "good" I said

"tell uncle damon and dad what?" we heard a voice said

We looks up to see our uncle Damon and dad standing there looking at us as we just stay silent just looking back at them and stand up

"What is it?" our dad asked

"Gray just tell them your right they need to know even if it makes them mad" John said

I look at him and I nod "two weeks ago John, me, Matt and Lizzie saw mom she almost killed them and we had a talk with her" I said

"Why didn't you tell us that you saw her?!" Uncle Damon asked upset

"we didn't want you guys to think that we let her go" I said

"how long were you going to keep this from us?" our dad asked

"We actually we never going to tell you" John said

"And that was bad but yes we did let her go but she was too weak and we felt bad" I said

"She was too weak? That was the perfect opportunity to take her and you didn't because you felt bad?!" Uncle Damon said upset

"Damon calm down" dad said

""calm down?" How can I calm down they had an opportunity to catch her and they missed it" uncle Damon said

He sighs and walks to his car "Damon, where you going?" my dad asked him confused

"Home and drink the feelings that I feeling right now away" he said and drives off

I sigh and walk towards the door inside when my dad grabs my arm "Grayson, stay I want to talk to you and John" he said

"Okay" John and I both said

We look at each other before looking back at our dad "what do you want to talk about?" I asked

"what happened that night when you saw your mom?" he asked

John and I sigh before looking at each other then back at our dad "we were waiting in the woods for one of Mason's hybrids who is pretending to work for Arabella he was going to give us information" John said

"we were waiting when I heard two human heartbeats who were barely alive, so we went to go and find out so we can help and we saw mom standing over Matt and Lizzie" I said


"it's mom" I said

"oh shit it is" John said

She turns around and looks at us "well if it isn't my sons" she said

We walk towards her and see Lizzie and Matt on the ground with him bleeding from his neck then we look up at her "Mom what did you go?" I asked

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