it's what we do

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Damon POV
Alex and I haven't talked at all I been calling her, but she hasn't answered, I left her voicemails. Stefan said that she left without anyone knowing where she is so I need to know. I go to Mason's house to see him to the next day, I ring the doorbell of his house then the door opens

"Hey dad what's up? come in" he said letting me in

I enter "thanks, how are you?" I said as he closes the door

"good and you?" he said

"I been alright, have you spoken to your mom at all?" I said

We enter the kitchen and we sit on the seats talking "no I haven't not since last week when she told me that she was going with Davina to find out why Silas and Amara are doing with this herb that they need for a spell to help to end with Arabella's dark magic" he said

"what? she didn't tell me this" I said confused but also upset

"mom said she told uncle Stefan about it and that she was leaving for two months" he said

"what?" I asked upset

"Mom didn't want anybody to try and stop her from getting what she needed" he said

"I can't believe it, you know what pisses me off about your mom? It's the fact that she kisses me again to break my control which meant something to her while also confessing that she still loves me but we can never be together, then she says that she doesn' t love me. So what the hell am I supposed to?!" I said upset him

"Dad I'm sorry you feel that way, but lately mom and uncle Stefan haven't been on the best of the terms which is probably why she told him where she was going and not you. You need to get mom to talk to you and I will help you with that" he said

"I need to find out what is really going on with her" I said

"dad, give her time. When the time is right you talk to her, in the meantime calm down" he said

Mason POV
I hate seeing my dad upset, hurt because it makes me feel bad and sad seeing him like that. My mom has been telling my dad that she doesn't love him like she did before only as a friend, which is obviosuly a lie. What my dad doesn't know is that my mom is actually in New Orleans with Davina finding out about Arabella's dark magic from the granddaugther of the witch who turned Arabella and I'm not going to tell him the truth becasue he will want to go and find her.

"dad give her time. When the time is right you talk to her, in the meantime calm down" I said

He sighs and I get up going to a cabinet taking some bourbon out before pouring myself and my dad a drink and handing him one

"So how's everything with Davina?" he asked me

"good, it's just...." I started

"what?" he asked

"She is under some pressure because she's not only the connection to the ancestral plane but also the anchor to the Other side thanks to mom" I said

"wait the Other side is back? how long?" he asked confused and upset

"I don't know how long it has been back, but yeah it's back. Mom brought it back" I said

"why the hell would she bring it back? and let me guess Stefan knows about it, right?" he said upset

"Davina told me that my mom told him and then when they asked my mom about the anchor she told them that Davina is it and she was upset by it. Mom made another witch it but she was dying from having brought someone back so mom quickly thought of Davina using her book and switch to Davina without her knowing it" I said

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