dangerous ripper

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Mason POV
My siblings and I heard from our dads that our mom's aunt Gwen helped them catch mom and they have in the basement in a cellar. Me, Isabella, Elena, and Jaxkson arrive at my dad's house seeing my dad drinking on the couch

"hey dad" I said

"hey, where the rest of your siblings?" he said

"we decided to was best to just have the four of us" I said

"okay, she's downstairs" he said

"alright" I said

We head downstairs and arrive down in the cellar opening the door entering and seeing our mom leaning against the brick wall and she looks up at us

"mom" I said looking at her in the state she is

She's weak and looks like she hasn't feed in days

"really, your dads think that sending you four to help is going to make me turn my humanity back on" she said laughing

"we know the real reason you turn it back off it saved us because Arabella almost killed us" I said

"yeah, but I don't care anyway I think myself better this way" she said

"mom what's the point of working for Arabella? Didn't she strave you?" Isabella asked confused upset

"so what? I dealt with it, your dads are starving me too and I'm dealing with it" she said

"mom, please don't be like this. this isn't you" Elena said

"Too bad, kid this is really me and I don't plan on turning it back on. Anything you think of doing it won't work and I'm won't care. So go and let your dads torture me, it's the only way they can think of. It's better if you all forget about me, think of me being dead, it's probably what is going to happen if they keep torturing me" mom said

I look at Elena as tears start to form in her eyes and she walks out of the basement going up the stairs. My mom looks as she walks away then looks down at the ground

"I can never be that mom that you kids had because Arabella ruined/destroyed that woman the moment she made me turn my humanity off and I was born" mom said

I look at her and she looks up at me "mom, please come back to us. I know your still in there because your the strongest woman I ever know. Please we will never give up on you" I said

I can see a little bit of emotion in her eyes like she seems a little touch by what I just said before she looks away and sighs "leave" she said

I sigh and look at my siblings and we start to leave when Jax stops and turns around looking at her "your not a monster, mom no matter what anyone says. Your nothing like Arabella and your better than her. We can't lose you, mom I can't lose you because your the most important person in our life" he said

She seems touch by this and looks like she wants to show a little sympathy but looks away "leave now and don't ever come back" she said

We all leave going upstairs

I walk through the woods looking for Elena when I see her just sitting on the ground with a big pile of leaves around her and I sit next to her

"Lena, what's wrong?" I asked

"I hate that mom has her humanity off and that nothing is working with her. I hate the idea of torturing her because it kills me to see her hurt. Dad and uncle Stefan can't think of anything else torture is all?!" she said

"mom has gone through so much in her life more than any of us have. She thinks that she has no reason because aunt Nadia's dead, Nikolina's dead, grandpa's dead and we almost died but we have to stay strong for mom. It's going to be alright were going to get her back, we won't give up until we do" I said

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