nobody messes with my family

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Mason POV
I found out that some of my hybrids have been trying to find out where my mom and Arabella are hiding. Without any of us knowing Elizabeth who is Finn's girlfriend has been kidnapped by my mom and Arabella.

"what have you been doing to find her?!" Finn asked upset

"were trying okay it's not easy. Were talking about a powerful person my mom who has so much magic. She's dangerous with her humanity off and her magic links to her emotions making her do whatever the hell she wants. It's not easy my mom knows every spell like the back of hand. She's smart to know when someone is on to her" I said

He sighs running his hands through his hair "so what have you been trying?" He asked

I sigh looking at the book "different locator spells hoping that one works" I said

Then the lights go off and it's dark, I use my phone for light and see my mom walking towards me

"Mom?"I asked looking at her

She looks at me with a blank expression as she stands there looking at me then she turns to Finn "Alex what has Arabella done to you?" He asked

She then looks at me with her still blank look on her face before she puts her hand into Finn's chest as he gasps and I try to stop her but she pushes me with her strength and I hit the wall. My head hurts a lot and I feel something in the back of my head and I touch my head then look at my hand seeing blood it's my blood and I look at it feeling scared, then I look to see my mom still having her hand in Finn's chest. I start to feel weak but my head hurts

"Too bad poor Elizabeth won't be able to spend her life with you" my mom said

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Finn yelled as she still has her hand in his chest

"Yelling isn't helping your situation right now, Finn. She said that she loves you and that you will always be the best thing that ever happened to her, but your not worth it and either was her" she said

"Mom what did you do? What did you do to me?" I asked scared to know the answer

"You see when I turned off the lights I took off your daylight ring" she said

I look at her confused and see my finger not seeing my daylight ring "you took my ring?!" I said upset

She looks back at Finn with a blank expression still holding her hand in his chest "you died and been resurrected but this time I'm going to make sure you never come back. Goodbye Finn Mikaelson" she said and her eyes turn yellow

Finn starts gasping more and coughing up blood with black ooze coming out of his mouth. She smirks as he is coughing looking into his eyes and she takes her hand out of his chest without taking his heart as he falls to the ground. She looks at me

"What did you do to him? " I asked

"He's not died not yet but he will be. Arabella wants him to suffer" she said

"What did you do to Elizabeth?" I asked

"I turned her strangled her turning her into a vampire then tortured her before ripping her out" she said

My eyes widen as I'm shocked to have hear this news about Elizabeth's death. Have am I going to tell Finn the news, how is he going to react to Elizabeth's death.

"mom you need to stop this. Please I'm begging you turn it on" I said

She walks towards me and grabs me holding me by my throat and she summons a poker stick to her and she stabs me in the stomach with it

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