another loved one

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Josette POV
Right now I'm looking at pictures from my childhood with Caroline who we grew up thinking was our mom all these years and I see one of us on Christmas and I smile little at it. When dad told me and Lizzie that Jo was our real biological mom I couldn't help but feel hurt by this because our dad never told us the truth but maybe it was for our own good

"hey, what are you doing?" Lizzie asked

I look up and see her walking into my room "nothing just looking through our family photos from our childhood thinking that Caroline was our mom and dad who lied to us!" I said upset

"Josie stop it! Dad couldn't tell us the truth he did it for our own good" she said

I scoff grabbing my jacket and walking out of my room going downstairs and out of the house into my car

"Josie wait!' Lizzie said walking out behind me

"No we have nothing to talk about" I said and leave

I'm driving on the highway when I see a blond woman walking in the middle of the road and I stop my car and get out of the car walking towards her.

"Josie what the hell?" Lizzie said walking towards me walking away from her car

"you followed me?" I asked turning around to face her

"of course I did because we need to talk" she said

"we have nothing to talk about. I almost hit this woman" I said

"you look really familiar" Lizzie said to her walking towards her "who are you?" she asked

the blonde woman looks at us like if she wants to cry (gif👇🏻)

the blonde woman looks at us like if she wants to cry (gif👇🏻)

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"my sister asked you a question. Answer, who are you?" I said

"My name is Olivia Parker, I'm your aunt" she said

I look at Lizzie as we both look at her shocked but I thought she was dead killed by Tyler back in 2013 how is she even here.

"oh my god" Lizzie said

"how are you even here? how are are you alive?" I asked confused while at the same time shocked

"When Jo was brought back to life her life by Alex, the witches that had kept her body after her death had linked my life and Luke's life to her for if she ever got resurrected again so will we" she said

"But where have you been all this time?" Lizzie asked

"Luke and I just came back when your mom did but were put in a sleeping coma for a few days then a few minutes ago we woke up here on the side of the road with no idea how we got here" she said

"where's uncle Luke?" I asked sarcastically 

"right behind you" we heard a male voice

Lizzie and I turned around to see another blonde person a guy " Hey" he said

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