ruined my family

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Caroline POV
Arabella is such a bitch how can Alex be related to someone like her. I feel so bad for Alex, but I really hope she doesn't give in giving her the spell to defeat Arabella. I know how much it means to Alex to bring her aunt back and I know she won't give in but at the same time but with Alex we never know. I'm feeling so weak right now I need blood and this bitch hasn't given me any, I can't take this anymore I feel my body wanting to shut down soon. Then the door opens and I see one of the vampires entering the room

"Morning sleepy beauty, how you sleep?" he said

"why you care?" I respond back coldly

"I was just wondering since you don't look so hot, but by the way you answered I guess you don't want this" he said and holds out a blood bag

I feel the veins appearing on my face as he holds out the blood bag (gif👇🏻)

"you want it? you need it to survive or else your body will shut down" he said

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"you want it? you need it to survive or else your body will shut down" he said

"please give it to me, please I'm straving" I said

"oh your asking saying please. Now those are nice manners, but too bad I don't care for manners" he said and squeezes the bag

"No! Please don't" I said

He squeezes more "Please don't!" I cried out

He squeezes the bag harder until it pops spilling all the blood out of the bag and I look on seeing what he has done and he laughs at me "Stupid barbie you don't deserve it just like you don't deserve to live. Do you really think lady Arabella is going to let you live after she gets the spell no you will dead just like Alexa will be" he said and walks away closing the door behind him and I hear him lock it

I cry thinking about of what's going to happen tonight hoping Alex doesn't give in giving her the spell.

Nobody POV
Midnight has come as Arabella is waiting at the abandoned church with Caroline and her men then she turns around seeing Alex standing there walking towards her with a yellow envelope

"your here" Arabella said

"like I said I would" Alexa said

"good, now give me the spell" Arabella said

"first let Caroline go or we could do the exchange at the same time. Your choice" Alex said

"fine bring the girl" Arabella said

Her men bring Caroline and Arabella grabs her arm and holds her hand out for the envelope. Alexa looks at her as she holds her over the envelope and Caroline goes to Alex. Arabella smiles happy looking at the envelope and looks at Caroline

"I finally have it, but too bad I don't need you anymore Caroline now it's your turn to die" Arabella said

She raises her hand up making Caroline clutch at her head but Alex uses her magic sending Arabella and her men flying against the walls of the church. Alex grabs Caroline and takes her speeding to her car entering and driving off

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