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"WHAT!?" I hollered. I can tell everyone in the room stopped working just to watch my anger unfold. It was dead slient. Here I am, working my ass off and my boss gone come up to me and say I'm fired. Like BISH WHAT?

"You heard me. You're fired." My boss said simply. He crossed his arms and frowned. I do the same thing, trying to intimidate him. I fall. His stern look made my tremble in fear.

"Why? What the hell did I do wrong?"

"There! That's it! Your language is out of control in this place and it's time that I put an END to it."

"Aww.....Fuck you! You can't fired me! I'm the best worker you can ever have!"

"You wanna bet? I'll have all your shit out in a heartbeat!" He yelled. OH! He gets to swear!

With ever last of my confidence, I get into his badly freckled red face and smirked.

"Over my dead body." 

Next thing I know, I'm sitting on the sidewalk with my boxes of papers sitting along besides me. I sighed angirly and checked my pockets. I pulled out a $10 bill and smiled. At least I can get a drink and a sandwich-to-go. I crossed the street with my boxes and sat in the most famous Deli store I know. A waiter came up to me and asked what I wanted. Without looking at him, I ordered::

"Four vodka-martini." I said while paying attention to the dishes.  I wanted to get flat-out drunk.

"Shaken or stirred?" He asked.

"Do I look like I give a damn?" I glared up at him and growled sliently. The guy nodded and backed away. I sighed and grabbed my head in frustration. Such a shitty day. I can't even get home at this point. I have no money for the bus but it's not like I have much of a home anyways. My landlord been taking shit and throwing it in the garbage, threatening me with lawsuits and cash. My thoughts were interrupted by a phone call and I picked it up.


"Hey girl. It's me, Meghan. I heard what happened. You good?"

"I think everyone heard what happened. Argh! It's my fault that I that happened. I never should of opened my fat ass fucking mouth. I can't came even think straight! How am I supposed to pay my rent? I'm due this Friday and if I don't get 2,000 by then. I'm screwed." I complained. Meghan sighed on the phone.

"Hey, you can always stay with me though. My house ain't that big but at least you got your own room."

"I can't possibly stay with you. It's will be—"

"Excuse me miss?"

I looked up.

A HOTT young man with brown hair and blue eyes looked down at me. He had to be 5'11. His hair was like a soft brown, like the bark of an oak tree, not dark but simply gentle in any light. Then his eyes....God! The man's blue eyes sparkled like storm clouds right before the lightning hits.

"Gurllllllllll! Did you hear me?"

"Umm....I gotta call you back on that."

"Don't you dare hang up—"

I hanged up and smiled brightly at the man.

"Mind if I sit?" He asked. His voice was all deep and British. I nodded submissively to him.

"H—how can I help you?"

"I happened to walk in and take a seat right next to you. You were very loud about your situation about your job. I heard that you're in need of a job and place to stay"

The Maid 'N Progress 1 |BWWM|Where stories live. Discover now