13 [Ending]

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Three years later

Tanisha |McKayla|

I was sleeping peacefully next to Noah when I heard the baby crying again. I groan and started to get up but Noah grabs my wrist and pulls me down on the bed.

"I got it. You sleep." He whispered while getting out of bed. I moan and lay back on my pillow. That's what I need some rest. I've been getting up and down for the baby all night. I check my phone. 3:30. I might as well freshen up a little bit. I grabbed my towel and shampoo before getting into the shower. I washed my hair and mum a song before cleaning the rest of my body. Then I get out and drown my mouth with Listerine. I walked out the bathroom and saw that Noah haven't made it back to the bed so I started to walk towards the baby's room. Once I open the door, I see Noah lying on the ground, face down.

I spit out the mouthwash and race towards him.

"NOAH? Noah? Are you–"

Suddenly something comes in contact with my head and I hit the ground. Hard. A hand grips my body and turns me around till I was on the ground face down just like Noah. My skirt gets lifted up so with any last strength, I lift my upper body up, only for it to be chocked out by my attacker. He puts a white cloth on my nose and I sniff it. Shit! It's knockout gas. Now I was starting to feel dizzy and sleepy. I try to grab on to the person's hand but I felt unbelievable pain in my lower region.

"Mmmmmm...." I moan painfully while getting pushed by the man's body.

"Dude, not now. We got the child. Let's go!" Someone else yelled from the door. The guy on top of me groan and let go of me. I hit the floor again.

"I can't help it if a naked woman is in my sight. You know how long it was since I last got laid?"

"Personally I don't give a fuck. Let's go."

Then I hear two footsteps leaving the room. I groaned and weakly slide over to Noah's body. He had blood on his head. I hope he isn't dead. I need him. Unfortunately I couldn't stay awake any longer so my head collapsed on the floor.

My vision is a blur. I can feel multiple people by me. I can only see shadows. I blacked out again.

I woke up again only to see that I was on a bed, wires being attached to my arms. I gripped the doctor's arm and she looks at me.

"Where's my husband? Where's my baby?" I asked weakly.

"Ma'am. Your husband in the other room. Please stay still."

I tried to grip her arm again but she moves away and it falls to the bed benders. I groan and tried to test the wires off me but they wouldn't come off.

"I'm fine! I don't need to be wired up! Let me go!" I scream. They don't listen so I start to attack them. Kicking and screaming. I know I scratch one of them. Suddenly I'm inject with something and I slowly start to comply with the meds.

"She's sedated." A voice said.

"For now." Another one replied.

I moved my head to the side and see Noah lying in a bed just like me. I smile a little before frowning. I turn to nurse and she starts to walk away.

"No! Wait! Is the police looking for my baby? He's only 2!" I said. She nods before looking at her coworkers.

"They're on it. They'll be here." He said while they leave the room. I started to cry. This is crazy! Why would anyone want to take away my baby? I know that Noah has a couple of enemies but this?

"Tanisha.........." a low voice calls. I look over at Noah and fully saw his face. He had a black eye and a few scratches on his face. They probably jumped him.

"Don't worry about me. We got to find a way out of here." He said.

"Agree. Do you know who would do this?" I ask.

"No idea but we'll find out who. Together."

I nodded and smiled. Nice to know he's on broad with this.

A whole hour passed and the polices haven't arrived yet. I'm started to feel a little bit better so I climb off the bed and walked over to a chair that had all of Noah and I belongings. I put on my clothes and tap Noah. He wakes back up and pulls my hand to his chest.

"They haven't arrived yet?"

"No. I'm worried. Wait here." I kissed him and peek out the doorway. Everyone was running all over the place. I look over at the entrance and saw two men walking inside. I noticed that one of them had a bird tattoo on their left wrist. A flashback came into my head. I remember one of the guy's putting his hands around my throat. A bird tattoo. They're here to kill us. The guy covers his wrist and hide their faces from the cameras. Damn. They're smart. They walked up the desk and I look closely at their lips.

"Hello, we're police officers and we were wondering if there was a couple here by the name Cohen's?"

The woman smiles and points this way. I quickly close the door and look over at Noah.

"What?" He jumps off the bed and gets his clothes on.

"I remember that guy, the guy who was......raping me. They're here to kill us!" I exclaim while seeing their shadows were getting closer to the door. I look over and saw a needle on a crate. I quickly grab it and held it tightly in my hand.

"Baby?" Noah asked with a look in his eye.

"I can't die here! My child is still out there! I don't give a fuck if I kill everyone in this hospital, as long as I have my son. I'm sane." I said. I hear the door jiggling and I steady myself. As the door inches open, I take a deep breath in.  I have to do this. For my baby. For my husband. For Justice.






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