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"Mmmmm....." I moaned while opening my eyes. The window was open and the sun was hitting my crusty eyes. I rolled to the side and check the time. 9:00.

"Oh. You're awake."

I rubbed my head and looked at Noah. It's funny because it looks like he wore the same clothes from yesterday.

"I made you breakfast downstairs. I think my wife left for work. I didn't hear her come in, so you don't have to do much today."

"Wait, what? Lauren's alive?"

Noah raised an eyebrow.


I sat there, confused as hell. Don't tell me that was a dream.

"Wait. How long was I in this bed?"

"Since yesterday. I figured you was tired. So I let you rest up."

I almost choke on my spit.

|I really was sleeping that WHOLE FUCKING TIME!?|

"Maybe a cup of coffee would wake you up."

I climbed out of bed and brush pass Noah. He grips my arm and looked at me. His eyes tells me something.

"I'm sorry about what happened Wednesday."

"What happened Wednesday?"

"Remember.......we had sex?" Noah whispered. I gasp. Ok. So that was real.

"Oh! It's fine! We just moved too fast. That's all."

Noah nodded, could of unsure. He leads me to the kitchen and placed a bagel with cream cheese on a napkin for me. As I was covering the bagel with cream cheese, Noah watches me. I guess it's because of my outfit.

"Did you feel any type of way when we did it?"

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"Did you feel any type of way when we did it?"

"Hey. I was in the moment, of course I felt some type of way. But you want that to be like a one night stand right?" I asked.

Noah didn't say anything. Instead he looks away and cracks his knuckles.

"Noah?" I called. He still doesn't look at me. I sighed and take a bite of my bagel. I wished it was toast but it'll do.

"I want more of you." Noah blurt out.

"What! We can't have an affair." I whispered.

"Why not?"

"It....always ends up the same way. The wife finds out and leaves you."

"So? I'mma still be rich."


"Please!" Noah begs. I shake my head.


Noah runs to me. His hands grabbed my wrists. I stare at him with total fear in my eyes. He smiles at me like he enjoys my fear.

"Noah? What are you doing!?" I hear Lauren yell. She runs up to Noah and pulls him off me. After slapping him a couple of times, she turns to me.

"Why are wearing clothes like this!? What the hell is the matter with you, you whore!" She yelled while hitting me. I take a moment to realize what happened before lunging at her. My fist pounding her face while my body weights down on her.

"HOW DARE YOU HIT ME!? I BEEN PUTTING UP WITH YOUR SHIT FOR TOO LONG. YOU'RE LUCKY YOUR HUSBAND IS HERE BECAUSE YOU WOULD OF BEEN DEAD BY NOW!" I yelled. I take a deep breath and pulled back. I turned to Noah and expected him to do something but he just stood there with this....smirk on his face. A smirk that I will never forget.


|There was something satisfying about Tanisha beating my wife. She annoys the hell out of me. Always talking about shit I don't give a damn about. I might be a cold hearted person for standing here watching this but hey, at least I can get a "KICK" out if it. |

After Tanisha finished knocking some sense into my wife, she marches up to me and pokes my chest.

"Wipe that fucking smirk from your face!" She cursed before running out the kitchen. I sighed and watched her leave. Her big ass is making me lick my lips. Lauren stands up, looking all ragged and dusty.

"I'm calling the police on that crazy bitch!" She yelled while grabbing her phone. I snatched it from her and frowned.

"Give me the phone back!"

"No! You're not going to put another maid in prison for something so little!"

"I don't care! Maybe she'll hang herself after two nights in a jail cell! It will make my damn day after she hit me"

I groaned and wrapped my hand around her throat.

|How dare she! I loved our last maid, Kendra. She was bright, smart and always willing to work. Just because she spilled Clorox on Lauren's very expensive clothing, Lauren made up a story, causing Kendra to spend two nights in prison. The next day we got a call saying she hanged herself with a rope. I'll never forgive my wife for that!|

I don't know how long I've been holding Lauren like that but she seems to be enjoying it.

"Oh....go harder!" She exclaimed. I grinned and do as she requested. She moaned and claw at my jacket.

|If I could just........|



"No!" I hear someone yell. I looked up to see Tanisha standing there.

"What? I had enough of her shit too!" I screamed. Lauren gasped and scratches my hand.

"What? No! Don't kill me!" She chokes out. I looked at Tanisha for suggestions but she shrugged. If I let go of her, Lauren will report me to the police for domestic violence and that can ruin my reputation.

|If I kill her, I'll be on my-|

Next thing I know, a knife is jab inside Lauren's chest. She coughs up blood and it hits me and......Tanisha. I pulled back and watched as my wife takes her last breath and sink to the floor. Blood spilling from her heart and on to my shoes.

"Oh my God! DAMMIT!" Tanisha yelled. She slammed her head on the counter and hollers.

"Why did you do it?"

"I don't know why but!.... I did it for you." She said. She looks at me. Her lips are trembling and her chest is rises up rapidly. I did the unexpected thing. I hug her. She starts to calm down but I really fell in love with her tightly squeezing me.

Despite blood being all over my hand and face, I kissed her tenderly. She falls in love with the kiss and jumps on top of me.

|We both committed murder but not a single regret crossed our minds. All I'm concerned about is keeping her safe in my arms and never allowing anyone to hurt her again.|

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