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Have you ever just been by yourself and then your siblings start bothering you? You tell them to go away, leave you alone. You don't wanna see them. And then they ask, why you aren't around anymore. They ask why you're never playing with them anymore. You're parents argue and tell you that you're not good enough for anything. And then your sister screams she's about to commit suicide. what is the point? Then your youngest siblings tell you you aren't full family, just because you don't share the same father. Your mother tells you your so weird because you have alcohol running in your veins.

Your father asks you why you're afraid of him. You don't say and he hits you. You are about to freak out because you can't take it anymore. And then what? Who'll be there to catch you when you fall? Nobody! You start smiling behind a fake smile. Sharp objects tempt you every day. You're ready to just end.

You avoid your family because you can't care.
You smile to hide the truth
You begin to lose identity
You die inside
Your heart begins to break

And then you begin to cut

Just to see if you still can feel

You begin not eat or drink

You fade away into the dust to be forgotten

You know you may as well give up

So why bother living?

Why bother feeling?

Especially if you know you're weak?

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