Fun Facts

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I hate being called pet names, like just, don't if you wanna keep your head.

I'm brutally honest. I'll give you my mind anytime anywhere

I'm considered young, by many people. TT I'm 13!

When I'm feeling extremely threatened, I snap. I snap hard.

If I fall, I fall hard

I'm sensitive about things. I don't act like it, but I am

I'm confrontational and swear when I'm upset or in a mood.

I'm playful, I just have a funny way of showing it

My pms don't work on this TT. Pm @ashangelz if you wanna pm ig

I love the color blue! Just sayin

I don't like being tagged. Don't do it!

I can become a person that's hurting.. Meaning whatever hurts you, I feel and I become that person who's hurting

I'm kind of bipolar

I'm dark at times

Normally, I'll be super "oh sunshine and rainbows!" If I'm not, watch your back.

I love being around other people. If I say I'm fine, here's the response I want, ready? "Okay" do not push it

I feel threatened a lot lately, so that explains my snapping all the time.

Relationships are pointless.  To my friends who are married/dating I'm so happy for you!

I'm supportive. If you need something, I'll try my best to support you

I care more about other people's feelings than I do mine.

I hope you learned some stuff

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