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Honestly, I'm ready to delete this app-

No one really talks to me much

And if they do it's because I've snapped at them-

I'm just, I'm tired of being ignored

Because sometimes it feels like, "wow, okay. I finally have something good to say, and y'all are gonna ignore me? I see how it is."

Like, maybe it's not their intention, maybe it is. I don't know. I'm not omniscient.

But, like, can you blame me? I mean, I hate how for someone to realize I'm here, I wanna talk, I've got news, or I need a hug. I have to hurt someone or myself. And that, yeah, no- not how it works. Just no!

People leaving me everyday because I keep snapping.  Or telling me I need to stop being a realist. Like, I can't change who I am. That's impossible to slim. Or people asking me if I'm better, and I say no. Then they ask why. I just know I'm crying and hurting and don't know what's causing it.

People making me feel threatened. I'm gonna snap when I feel threatened. Because it feels like your threatening me, and I just can't. I won't put up with it. It's irritating and annoying! Like, Stop make me feel threatened, grow up, look in the mirror, threaten yourself. It's annoying that everyday I'm crying and cutting and screaming and punching someone- it's all because I feel threatened.

Expectations. I understand you may not know how to deal with if someone said, "yeah, I'm depressed." When you asked them, "how are you?" But it's tiring to just keep hiding it. Yes, it is MY FAULT but at the same time, it's because I don't want to hurt you.

I'm tired of being ignored....

I'm tired of feeling threatened...

I'm tired of snapping....

I'm tired of hurting...

I'm tired of seeing blood on my skin....

I'm tired of crying...

I'm just tired of feeling like I'm about to lose it....

I'm tired of being left....

I'm tired of it all

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