• 🌺 VIII 🌺 •

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For the rest of the week, I keep feeling this Sharp pain in my stomach whenever I hang around the guys. Channie's been pretty concerned, but I've been reassuring him that it's probably just some weird stomach bug I've picked up from somewhere. With that, I carried on as if nothing really happened.




It was the break in between 4th and 5th period, and Chen, Channie, Soo, and I were walking to the locker room to get ready for gym class. Soo was down into his phone the entire time, and Chen, Channie, and I were goofing around. We walked into the locker room and got changed, the entire time Soo was being very tentative to his phone.

"Who's that, your big dick daddy?" asked Chen. Soo gave him a glare.

"If you're talking about Jongin, then yes." Chen shut up real quick after that.

We were playing basketball today during gym, our gym teacher was very serious about sports, but was still a little creepy. He would stare at student a little too long, look at them in the locker rooms, both male and female, and would follow around certain students. The four of us made it very clear to stay as far away from him as possible. We were playing our own little game it the corner of the gym when I started to feel slightly light-headed. I shook it off and kept playing. 10 minutes later, I could feel it start to become fairly hard for me to focus on anything.

"Hey baek, you don't look too good, you sure you're okay?" Said Soo, turning the other three's attention onto me.

"Yeah, im...im good." I said.

"Are you sure?" said Channie as he walked up next to me.

"Yeah, I'm..." The last thing I remember is my world turning sideways, and Channie grabbing me.


Once again, I want to make it clear that Chan and Baek are not a thing. This is a Sebaek story and I will live up to that. Baekhyun doesn't like Chan like that, they are just friends. Everything will make sense, I assure you.

𝓗𝓪𝓷𝓪𝓱𝓪𝓴𝓲 // sebaekWhere stories live. Discover now