• 🌹 XVIII 🌹 •

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If Sehun and I weren't avoiding each other before this, we definitely were now. It's kinda funny how we went from strangers, to close friends, to strangers again. Even if I was mad at him for what he did, or at least tried to do, to Soo and Kai, a part of me still felt bad that he had to witness chan and I expressing friendly affection for one another. Actually, come to think of it, why did he react that way? Seeing as though I still have hanahaki, I'm guessing that he doesn't like me at all, but that doesn't help explain him getting mad and storming off.

Days began to go by. My hanahaki only seemed to be getting worst. Every night, it was a new wave of petals. These petals were pitch black. Not an ounce of color in them. I was trying my best at keeping Sehun out of my thoughts. On the days that I managed to not think about him, I had less violent attacks when I got home. I decided not to tell anyone about these attacks, as I didn't want to worry anyone about it. Plus, I was working on it. I decided that I was going to convince my self that I didn't actually love Sehun.

Our new friends are quite helpful with the progress of this. Since there are so many of them, It's easy for me to forget about Sehun. Chan introduced them to us, and we all began to sit together at lunch. You can only imagine how much of a nuisance this was to the teachers that supervised our lunches. Around three rectangular tables pushed together with thirty teenage boys sitting at them was a headache waiting to happen. I was surprised that they didn't try to separate us yet.

While I had troubles remembering some of their names, we all seemed to get along quite well. I occupied my time with getting to know them. Two of them, I had known prior to meeting the whole group. Ten, when chan and I were spying on Soo and Kai, and Jungwoo, the kid I bumped into in the hallway. Turns out that we had a few classes together. I also finally put a name to the face of the tall brunette that was hanging out with Channie. Lucas. He's a pretty nice guy if I do say so myself, but there's something weird between him and Jungwoo. I shook the thought out of my head. I didn't want to worry myself with anything unnecessary right now.

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