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You're welcome, hoes. 😂💙

Friends Mental and Crisis Center

8:57 am

Omniscient POV

Nick stepped down the stairs with a coloring book and his stuffed animals. He decided not to wake Jay this morning and color by himself. He opened to the page, realizing he didn't have his crayons. He sighed, walking back up the steps. He grabbed them from his side of the room as Jay still continued to snore softly.

Nick smiled lightly at his sleeping best friend and left the room. He bumped into Taymor as his crayons flew everywhere. He bit his bottom lip to keep from crying, but Taymor could tell that he wanted to. "Sorry, Tay." He apologized quietly and went to pick up his crayons. "It's cool. Let me help you, Nick." Taymor automatically started picking up crayons, not seeing Nick's blushing face.

"H-hey, Tay? Did you want to color with me?" He politely asked and Taymor gave him a small closed-lip smile. "Yeah, I'll color with you." Nick cheesed, not being able to contain his excitement. After quickly picking up the crayons, Nick grabbed Taymor's hand and ran down the steps with him. They sat across from each other and Nick eagerly opened the book.

"Okay! What do you want, the tiger or the dinosaur?" Taymor thought for a minute before answering the question. "Mmmm, tiger." Nick nodded, ripping the template out the book. He handed it to Taymor.

Taymor reached for the orange and black crayons. For a moment, they both sat in silence until Taymor spoke up. "I wanted to say sorry again for the whole pushing you off the ladder situation the other day." Nick shrugged, still coloring. "It's okay. I'm not really mad anymore." He smiled. Silence fell over the room again as they both colored.

"Why are you so mean, anyway?" Nick curiously asked. "I don't really know, to be honest. It's something i've learned I can't fix and I have to deal with. I don't want to be though, especially not to you." Taymor finished, looking at Nick.

Nick's face heated up as he quickly covered his face with his hand and his other one still colored. Taymor smiled in response, feeling the same thing Nick was feeling. After that, it was back to silence until they finished coloring.

"Done!" Nick yelled, kissing the paper. "Lemme see." Nick flipped it around, showing his purple, pink, and blue unicorn. "You like it?" He asked, unsurely. Tay nodded. "Of course." He held his tiger up, obviously wanting him to answer the same question he asked. "It's pretty, Tay!" Nick complemented and Taymor laughed. "Thanks, Nick."

Before another wave of silence came, Jay walked down the steps. He looked over at Nick and he frowned. "Nick, I forgot you asked to color today, I-" Nick giggled. "It's okay, Jay. I colored with Taymor." Jay looked between the two in a confused way. "I made you a unicorn!" He gave it to him as Jay chuckled. "I love it, Nick. Thank you." He smiled.

Jay went back up the steps, hanging it on the wall with the rest of Nick's macaroni, get well soon, and birthday cards he kept. Even if he wanted to throw them out, he couldn't. He knew that as sensitive as he was, he would be super upset about him throwing away the cards he made for his best friend.

"Since we giving away stuff," Taymor started, as he gave Nick his tiger. "Awww, thank you, Tay!" He cheesed. "Welcome." He smiled. "Thanks for coloring with me too, Tay." Taymor shrugged. "It was nothing, I had fun."

Taymor got up from the table and headed back upstairs as Jay made his way back down. He sat across from Nick and smirked. "You like Tay, huh?" Nick quickly shook his head. "I see your ears, Nick." He laughed. His eyes got big as he covered his bright red ears. He sighed, knowing it was too late. "It's fine if do, Nick."

Nick sighed again. "Maybe a little..." Jay cheesed. "Aww, Nicky bear has a little crush!" Nick squealed, hiding his face in his sleeves.

So this was trash but I didn't want to keep leaving y'all hanging. ❤️ I love you guys and thanks for being patient with me and still reading if you are.

Go read my other ybnk book, bad if you would like 🤗

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