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Two people posted on message board asking me to update and I really didn't want to but here y'all go 😭 I have writers block really bad 💔

Friends Mental and Crisis Center

9:25 pm

Omniscient POV

Danny's 'I love you too' continued to float around in the back of Michael's mind. He took his fingertips and ran them through the flame of his lighter. Currently, he was downstairs watching TV by himself. Jahseh was upstairs sleeping, so Michael didn't bother him.

"Whatcha doing?" Nick asked, jumping from behind the couch. Michael grabbed onto his chest. "You can't do that, Nick!" Nick pouted and sat on the couch next to him. "Sorry." He mumbled, holding his stuffed brown bear up to his face.

"This is new, where you get this from?" Michael took it from his hands, examining his new stuffed animal. Nick whined, snatching it back. "Don't touch it!" He squeezed it, furrowing his eyebrows at him. "Well sorry, shit." Michael laughed. "Taymor gave it to me." He blushed. "Awww, how cute." Nick smiled brightly, showing his braces.

"So what happened with you and Jahseh yesterday?" Nick curiously asked. Michael shrugged. "I think we're good, I don't know." Nick's head tilted to the side, obviously intrigued with the conversation. "Why don't you know?" His soft voice asked. "Well, Danny said he loved be back last night."

Nick smiled. "That's good! That's good, right?" He questioned. "No, not really. I don't know what I want at this point." Michael continued to pour his heart out to a clueless Nick as Daniel sat on the steps, eavesdropping on their conversation.

It wasn't Danny's intentions to make Michael confused, he just wanted him to know how he really felt. Whatever he had going on with Jahseh was his business but he wasn't going to give up on getting his boyfriend or simply just his friend back.

"You can't be happy with two people?" Nick asked as Michael laughed. "Nope, I wish." Danny finally made his presence known as he walked over to the living room with them. "I was just about to make some cookies, y'all want some?" Danny asked, sitting down on the couch.

"Can't. I'm not supposed down here, it's past my bedtime. Only reason I was able sneak down here was because Jay was slee-"

"Nicholas Simmons, you got five seconds to get up here." Jay's groggy voice boomed from the top of the steps. Nick's eyes grew big as he ran. "Goodnight!" Both Danny and Michael laughed.

"Come on! Help me with the cookies!" Danny grabbed his hand and walked into the kitchen. He pulled the cookie dough out the freezer and sat it on the counter. "So, does your boyfriend hate me?" Michael shrugged. "I don't know, actually. I think he's more mad at me than anything."

Michael went into the pantry, pulling out the cookie sheet. "How come you never told me about him?" Danny asked and he shrugged again. "I thought we were really done. I thought I would never see him again, so I moved on."

Danny started to cut up pieces of dough and put them on the sheet. "But then I seen him again and it was like all the feelings just rushed back." He smiled lightly as Danny rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry, I'll stop." Michael got quiet.

"You never talked about me like this." Danny fake pouted, making Michael laugh. "Fine." He started helping Danny with the cookie dough. "You were always different. I don't know if it's how hyper you always are or your attitude but I like it."

Danny set the oven and waited for it to get to the right temperature. "You played hard to get at first and I really liked that. I like a good challenge." Danny laughed. "Michael shut up." Danny sheepishly said, obviously blushing.

"For real, though. I fell really hard for you, really fast." Michael confessed. "I fell for you too. I was just scared." Michael furrowed his eyebrows. "Scared of what?" Danny played with his fingers. "I don't know, I just didn't wanna get hurt. That's why I didn't say it right away." Michael nodded. "I get it."

They both sat in silence for a while before Danny spoke up. "I'm sorry again. Tell X I'm sorry too." Danny said sitting on the counter next to the oven. "It's cool, I'm pretty sure he'll forgive you. I tell him all the time he's too nice sometimes."

After forty five minutes of sitting and waiting, the cookies were finally done. Michael grabbed a oven mitt, pulling the out and sitting them on the stove. "They smell too good, I want one now." Danny shook his head. "Dumb ass you have to let them cool off-" Michael took a bite, immediately spitting it back out. "First." Danny finished.

"Why didn't you tell me they were hot, Danny!" He huffed. "I tried! Your greedy ass still put it on your mouth!" He laughed. "They are good, though. Try one." Michael said, stuffing one in Danny's face. "Trippie, move!" He laughed.

"Let me feed you the cookie!" They both laughed. "Move, stupid!" He tried hopping down off the counter, but Michael got in between his legs, resting his elbows on his thighs. "I don't think your boyfriend is gonna like this."

He shrugged. "Eat the cookie, then." Danny tried to grab it, but Michael snatched and it put near his mouth. "Just eat it." Danny sucked his teeth. "You're not feeding me, Michael."

"Yes I am."

"No you're not."

Jahseh said, standing in the entrance of the kitchen, leaning on the door hinge. Danny looked around and hopped off the counter. "I'll just grab a few of these and be on my way." He grabbed a couple cookies and left the kitchen.


I finally got my phone back after 4 long ass months 😩My boyfriend lost it at sky zone, long story 💀 I hated writing on my iPad, I'm so happy I got my phone again 👏🏾

This update was trash, I don't why y'all love this story so damn much 💀

🄼🄴🄽🅃🄰🄻.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora