T H I R T E E N.

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Friends Mental and Crisis Center

12:46 pm

Omniscient P.O.V.

Daniel rolled his eyes as he looked over at Michael. "I figured this would work better if we all sat together." The therapist said, writing in his notebook. "I just like how I keep telling y'all I don't give a fuck about this man and yet I'm sitting in a circle trying to 'kumbaya' with the nigga"

Michael rose his eyebrows. "So we not addressing me like I'm not sitting here?" Danny laughed. "Y'all hear sum?" Michael huffed, sliding back in his seat. "Clearly there's still animosity between you two. Danny, whatever you're feeling toward Michael, just say it." Jahseh sat back, not wanting to say anything.

"I don't have anything to say to him. I already said that like a hundred times." The therapist sighed. "Well since Michael won't break, Jah, what's going on with you?" Jahseh shrugged. "Nothing really." He clearly lied. Michael spoke up. "Since everybody is so mute all of a sudden, I'll go first."

"I don't know how many times I have to say it, but I never meant to hurt either of y'all. I'm not gonna keep saying it. The shit is pointless. I could apologize a million times and y'all would still make me feel like shit. I walk around this facility on eggshells, scared that I'll piss one of y'all off again. It's getting annoying. Look at this shit!" He lifted up his striped shirt, showing dark burn marks on his light arms.

Jahseh gasped lightly, covering his mouth. "Mikey..." He softly said as Danny sucked his teeth. "So we just gone act like we didn't expect this? This boy is a fucking PYROMANIAC for fucks sake. He was bound to see what it felt like on his skin at some point." Jahseh scoffed at his comment "You're such a asshole, Daniel!" Daniel sucked his teeth again. "How? Cause I'm speaking facts? He did this to get attention from the both of us and clearly it worked on you."

"You don't have sympathy for anybody, Danny!" Danny laughed. "Sympathy? Oh you mean like after breaking up for two days and you getting with Jahseh right in my fucking face? That kind of sympathy?" The therapist sat his elbows on his knees, placing his hand under his chin. "Now Danny. Why couldn't you just sa-" He quickly shut him up. "He's really trying to play victim! When Jahseh got here, he dropped me like a bad habit."

"I told you I loved you and you said nothing. How was I supposed to feel ?" Michael started. "Then as soon as you see me with Jahseh, you all of a sudden love me back? If anybody is playing victim here it's you." Danny mumbled a barely audible "Whatever" and the room got quiet again. "Jahseh?" He looked over at the therapist. "Huh?" He said, quickly shifting his attention back to Trippie's arms. "What do you have to say?"

He cleared his throat. "Well I just feel like I didn't do anything. When I got here, Michael said that it was nothing going on between them. So I believed him. But then I could tell he was lying and it pissed me off. Like, just be upfront about it." Michael went to speak and Jah stopped him. "But I don't know, I just can't ever stay mad at him. I know he really loves me and would do anything for me." Danny rolled his eyes as Michael smiled.

"I'm glad y'all worked this shit out, can I go now?" Of course Danny left anyway, not waiting for an answer. "Jahseh, you can go if you want too." He quickly got out his seat, sending Michael a small smile before leaving. "You know why you have to stay, right?" The therapist asked Trippie. "I'm guessing to go over what happened?" He sighed. "No, Michael. We have to talk about you burning yourself. I have to report it to the nurses."

"What! Why?" He stood up out of his seat, pacing back and forth. "I can't just act like I didn't see them, Michael." He finally sat back down, running his hand over his face. "A-are they gonna send me away? I mean, they're just a few b-burns. I won't do it again." The therapist shook his head. "Who's to say you won't, Michael? You wanna talk about it?" He shook his head no.

"Fair enough. But I'll be honest, they probably will send you some where, where people can keep a closer eye on you." Michael furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm not suicidal or anything though, I just like the feeling of it.
I like the feeling of being in pain."

"How long have you been doing this to yourself?" He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, two weeks maybe?" He played with the hanging string coming from his shirt. "Can I go? Please." He begged as the therapist nodded and he quickly jolted out of the room.

He went upstairs, grabbing a towel and a lighter. He knew he couldn't lock doors in here so he went into the closet and closed it behind him. He placed as much of the towel as he could in his mouth as he put the lighter to his skin. He was only one who could hear his muffled screams. After he was done, he wiped the tear stained eyeliner off his face and went back down the steps like nothing ever happened.

"You good lippie? Looks like you been crying." Jay joked, causing him to chuckle.

"Yeah, I'm good."

Unedited asf

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