➸ two: swearing isn't bad at all

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➸ two: swearing isn't bad at all

« and there were always those nights where she preferred the rain over people. because the rain would remind her of how she should feel and people would remind her of the things she wanted to forget. »


If someone told me a few months ago that I would want to become a mean and spiteful person, I would probably have laughed it off. 

But then after I actually did want to turn into a bitch I realized that wanting to become someone like that wasn't something to laugh about at all. I actually realized that if someone wanted to become a bitch because of acceptable reasons - it was fine.

In fact, it was absolutely and utterly okay.

When people change, they often have a reason. My reason was made quite clear to everyone reading this story, in the beggining. Some people might be thinking that I had a pretty shitty reason for my want of change in myself but let me get one thing clear - no, my reason isn't shitty at all.

Those who are in love or once were in love will understand because love isn't something that comes fast. It comes slowly and beautifully when you least expect it. When I first fell in love with Ashton, it wasn't during kindergarten. When I was in kindergarten it was just a puppy love because I was too small to know the meaning of love at that time. 

But as time flew by, I actually honestly fell in love with him.

The first time he ever talked to me was when I was ten years old. It was a sunny afternoon and I was playing in the local park in the mud. Some kids my age came along and started making fun of me because of having gay parents. At that time, I wasn't mature so obviously like any other ten year old, I started crying. 

And that's when Ashton Dallas came to my rescue. It was as if God himself had sent him to help me. Ashton chased away those kids and stayed with me in the park till late in the evening when I finally stopped crying. I'm not saying that just because he stood up for me, I fell in love with him.

I fell in love with him when he smiled at me and wiped away my remaining tears from my cheeks. I fell in love with him in that summer evening when I was in his arms, his hands on my cheeks and the light from the lamp-post shining down on his face making him look more mature for his age. I fell in love in that small moment when Ashton smiled at me and it was the most beautiful thing ever.

That was the number one best moment of my life.

Somewhere in between watching the Goblet of Fire, I dozed off. It's not that i think the Harry Potter series is boring because we've talked about this before and I think that it's awesome.

I dozed off because of my lack of sleep last night. And I think that dad knew about this, that is why he didn't wake me up.

My slumber wasn't disrupted by anyone this time - thankfully - so I expected to wake up with a happy mood. 

I was wrong though. Because as soon as I woke up, I saw the face of the person whom I hated more than ketchup squirted on top of french fries.

Grace White.

The frown currently visible on my forehead clearly depicted that I wasn't happy to see her at all and neither was I okay with the fact that someone let her in. 

"What are you doing here?" I didn't expect my voice to come out so harshly but it did. And for once in my life, I didn't apologize. I just waited for her answer with a calm look upon my face.

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