➸ fourteen: freckles & cancer

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➸ fourteen: freckles & cancer

⋜ love moves and changes. in some cases it rots and turns into hate. 

Change. It's a simple word with just six letters, but it holds so much meaning. A single change in a plan can turn the whole thing upside down. A small, simple change in a person can create a huge uproar in their life. That's how change works. It doesn't seem much when we first apply it, but as we get used to it, we realize just how much it has affected our life. 

For instance, I didn't realize how my entire surroundings had changed ever since I decided to become a mean person. And let's get one thing straight - I'm not talking about the 'not self-absorbed, strong, dominant, able to stand up for herself, knows what she wants' kind. I'm talking about the 'spiteful, deceitful, manipulative, will crawl over anyone to get what she wants' kind. That was the person I had become or at least thats what every person in the school thought so because everytime I even glanced at someone in the class, cafeteria or even in the hallways - that person would immediately turn purple and look anywhere else but at me with a constipated expression. I'm not even exaggerating. 

The whole 'turning into a bitch' thing may seem stupid and I should have regretted the whole plan even, but the truth is - I don't regret it. Not a single bit. At least people feeling scared of me is much more better than them using me and then throwing me away as if I am a use and throw paper cup or something. I don't think that it was a mistake. I don't think I did something wrong either. I did everything I wanted to and everything that I could and that is enough for me.

What I regretted - very very much - was agreeing to play the part of Juliet. It was by far the most stupid thing I had ever done in my entire life. I was pretty sure that nothing I would do in the future would ever measure up to that.

Daniel Baker would suit better as an underwear model (ha!) than as Romeo. Because of him, my throat was sore from yelling "Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou, Romeo?" If my calculations were correct, I had yelled it more than twenty times in the last ten minutes and that's saying something! And to add up to that, Daniel and Ashton would fight after every single line for no reason whatsoever making it even harder for me, the rest of the cast and even for Mrs.Evans. Poor Mrs. Evans! Her wrinkles would probably increase because of too much frowning. 

After three hours of continuous practicing - or shouting - we were finally done with some parts of the play. I had no intentions to even touch the script for the rest of my peaceful day. However, Daniel had some other plans. "My house at four?"

"No Daniel. Never. I am not going to visit you at your house for that stupid play! I think I am going to lose my voice, no thanks to you."

"But I didn't even say it was for the p-"

I snorted. "Yeah sure. Then please enlighten me as to why you want me to come to your house at four?"

"Well," Daniel hesitated.


"Aw, come on! I promise I will be a good Romeo to my Juliet?" He said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes at his stupidity and said, "It's still a no."

"I'll even bake cookies for you and...and...we can watch Singin' in the Rain!"

My eyes widened as I glared at Daniel. "Who told you about that musical? Was it Derek? Jayne? Norman? William? Logan? Oh, it was Carl wasn't it? Or was it Paul? I swear to god I'll castrate every single one of them and then-"

"Woah, woah, stop. I don't even know what you're talking about!"

A sigh of relief escaped my lips and I looked at Daniel with a calm expression on my face. "I don't know what you're talking about either."

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