➸ eight: the first cut is the deepest

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➸ eight: the first cut is the deepest

 « tough times don't last. tough people do. »

It's impossible to describe the panic that came over me when Ashton and Grace entered Bill's Diner. The way my heart was racing and my fingers went numb, I wouldn't describe it as an adrenaline rush. Because it was something entirely different than that. And I'd be lying to you and to myself if I told you that I wasn't responsible for what happened next. 

Derek looked at me with a raised eyebrow, waiting for me to explain what the heck was going on. And so I did, "They're together."

The early bird catches the worm. A stich in time saves nine. To be honest, I was the early bird all the time. I was smart and I guess that's enough reason to prove that. I guess.

But this time I wasn't the early bird.

I wasn't the early bird when Derek got up from his chair and strode all the way to the entrance of the Diner and before I could stop him - he punched Ashton Dallas square in the face.


"She fucking loved you!" 

That was the line that Derek kept repeating with every single punch he threw in Ashton's way. I was beyond shocked. I didn't know what to do so I just stayed rooted in my spot, and did nothing to stop what was happening. 

Apparently, I wasn't the only one who was shocked, because no one from our table moved even an inch. And neither did Grace. 

"Stop it!" Jayne shouted from beside me, breaking us all from the trance that we were currently in. Derek - who wouldn't give a shit about what Jayne had to say most of the time - actually stopped punching Ashton. He shoved Ashton on the floor and kicked him for the last time before saying, "If you show yourself in front of me one more time, you will end up in a hospital with an oxygen mask on your mouth and bandages all over your body."

Derek went outside leaving us to deal with the crumpled up body of Ashton Dallas. Grace bent down and went on to check the bruises on his face. "Oh, baby," she kept repeating, every time Ashton winced.

"I think the wise thing would be to take him to the hospital to mend his face instead of touching his bruises and making it harder for him."

Jayne wasn't the one who said that. Instead, it was me. Me!

All heads turned to my direction making me realize what I had just said. The triplets looked shocked while Jayne had a bit of amusement as well as pride plastered all over her face. 

Grace White, on the other hand looked so angry that her face was red like a fire engine. I was literally imagining smoke coming out of her nose and ears as she glared at me with all her might.

The funny thing is, she didn't utter a single word as she helped Ashton up and left the Diner. "Holy cow," William murmured, looking at me. 

"You can actually kick some butt Carol," Logan said with excitement clear in his voice. 

Ignoring the praises showered upon me from all the Van Der Woodson siblings, I left the Diner to go and check on Derek. He was sitting on the hood of the car, smoking a cigarette trying to give off some bad boy vibes. "Seriously, Derek? Seriously?"

Derek rolled his eyes and summoned me to join him. "You should have told me about Ashton and Grace," Derek said once I had settled down beside him.

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