Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The day had been a disaster. The morning had been bad, the visit of the mayor had been bad, he announced that the funding would be cut, which resulted into wild speculations if people would be fired.

Hannah was fairly certain that in her new position, head of the historical textbook department, she was safe. She also had a degree in restoration of old textbooks and that made her a valuable employee. But for her colleagues it didn’t look so good. Some had families, some were in that age, where they wouldn’t find a new job. Hannah felt for them. She was young, she could work anywhere. Maybe she should give up her job instead, it would save two of the others...

But then she thought that this would be stupid. She had to be selfish for once. Her whole life had been about other people. Only since coming to Las Vegas a year ago her life had changed. She was free for the first time. Free to make her own decisions, the only person she had to answer to was herself and she had fought for this job. So no, she would not give it up.

Besides, she liked Vegas. It was so easy to get lost in the crowd. She wasn’t looking for any kind of relationship right now, she wanted to enjoy her freedom. That’s why, beside her shyness, she hadn’t find any friends here yet. Except for Marie from work who would invite her over to dinner with her family, husband and three kids, every once in a while.

But Hannah was happy. She was comfortable by herself and she didn’t feel lonely yet.

Arriving at home after a short trip to the grocery store she noticed satisfied that the parking space from 3A was empty. She parked her little car and opened the back door to take out her purse, still too big, slung it over her shoulder and picked up the two big, paper grocery store bags. Her head was still inside the car struggling with the two bags and her purse when a car horn sounded like right behind her. It startled her so bad that she hit her head on the way out and feeling a little dizzy she lost control of one of the paper bags from the grocery store and it dropped to the ground.

Her apples rolled out, right under the car next to her which motor was still on. Hannah lost hold of her purse over her shoulder and she dropped the second bag as well, kneeling down on the pavement in the process. To anyone watching this it must have looked really funny. To her it was one big embarrassment.

Again the horn sounded and she could see a huge tire running over one of her apples.

Enough was enough. She got up, put her three bags behind her car, out of the danger zone, and closed the back door, only to step in front of the running car.

“You are a jerk. You ran over my apples! Can't you wait for a freaking second? Do you have no patience?“ she called out to her rude neighbor. He cut the engine, rolled down a window and music blared at her. He leaned out. “What did you say Bluebell? Couldn’t hear you!“

Was he for real? She had stood her ground, told him what she thought of him and he hadn't heard a word of it? Just her luck. By now she couldn’t muster up enough confidence to tell him again, so she just picked up two apples which were still whole and put them into her grocery bags. Again she tried to balance all three bags, which was harder than it looked.

Asshole, as she silently called him, followed a few feet behind her, not making any attempt to help her.

When she reached the closed front door to the apartment building she turned around to find him snacking on an apple. One of HER apples, she must have missed it.

He grinned at her, taking another bite and opened the door even holding it open for her but still not offering any further help with the bags.

One could almost call him nice when he pressed the elevator button but not Hannah. Did he have no manners? But then again, did she want his help? No, not really.

Bluebell: A Dean Ambrose Fan FictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant