Chapter 4

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Today I take the time to thank you all for your reviews. They make me so happy and put a smile on my face each time. I hope I can put a little smile on your faces with this story. This chapter ends a little...unexpected. I want to say, that Jon and Hannah have a life of their own in my head. They don't do what I want. Especially Jon. He is a little shit constantly. And he drags Hannah with him. So, they don't do what I want them to do. It gets much worse later on...I apologize in advance.

Chapter 4

When Hannah returned that night late, after 8 pm, she saw Dean or Jon or Asshole or whatever his name was leaving. He was just loading his suitcase in his car, which was parked neatly into his own box for once.

Hannah had brought work back from the library, a couple of books she had to freshen up, and she struggled with her heavy purse while he hefted his suitcase and backpack in the car like it was nothing.

She was obviously staring at his flexing muscles underneath his black shirt because he drawled: "Gonna miss me Bluebell? You can catch me on TV next Monday and tomorrow as well."

"I am glad when you are gone and it is quiet again. Why would I want to watch you on TV?"

Inside she cringed. She was being rude on purpose and it was such a foreign thing for her to do that it made her feel bad.

"Because you like me Bluebell. I am pretty sure when you are alone in your bed and your hand glides down in your jammies..."

Next thing Jon knew was that her heavy bookbag slammed into his ribs. And it hurt. For real.

"Uff, what the hell?" Air left his lungs for a moment and the next breath was rather painful. Not good.

He held his rips not selling the punch but it really hurt, maybe she even cracked a rip because one of the book corners had landed effectively and with just enough force on one rip.

"I am not buying your bullshit anymore. Don't talk to me again with your suggestive language or plain rudeness Dick Ambrose."

With that she left and he was gingerly pulling up his shirt. It was swelling already, never a good sign and Jon was in the business long enough to know the difference between fake and real injury. And his timid neighbor had bruised or even cracked one of his rips really good.

Stubbornly he got in the car, a wince escaping him when he lowered himself in the seat. Shit. He grabbed his phone calling his boss. He would miss this flight alright and maybe the house show tomorrow because he would let a doctor have a look first. A broken rib could be dangerous and he was no fan of a punctured lung in the process.

And did she call him Dick Ambrose? He laughed only to wince in pain because the laughter hurt his ribs.

Around 1 am Hannah woke up, startled. What was it? She was confused for a moment. There it was again. Banging on her front door. What the hell?

She was too confused to put on her slippers or even her glasses and stumbled to the door. She looked through the peep hole and saw bully Jon in front of it.

"What do you want?" she asked through the closed door and he replied. "Open up or I kick the door in Bluebell."

She believed him so she opened up, crossed her arms in front of her breasts which made them just stand out even more, and glared at him, trying to focus on him with her poor eyesight.

"You cracked my rib." he announced and lifted his shirt where a bandage covered his ribcage. "Almost broke it. I am out till Monday. Thank you for making me miss three paychecks."

There was anger in his voice and hurt but most of all seriousness. And now Hannah felt bad.

"You make me angry all the time. I didn't mean to hurt you. I swear. I thought you could take a punch..."

"I can but I can't protect myself from a book corner slamming into my ribs. You pack quite a punch Bluebell."

"Will you, like report me to the police?" Hannah's voice was quivering now. Oh no, she cost him three paychecks, what if he sued her?

"I can compensate you for the money loss...I totally can. Maybe in rates? How much do you make a night? I can totally..." she was rambling and Jon looked at her, fidgeting around running her tiny hands through her messy hair and heard the stress in her voice. It was simply too much to take for him.

"Shut up." he growled and she shut her mouth. In the next second Jon grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her into him, crashing his lips on hers. The first second she was speechless and frozen in the spot. But she started to respond to him after a while, closing her eyes and opening her mouth for his tongue to explore. She moaned the cutest little moan he ever heard and he almost came right then and there. "Sleep with me Hannah." he whispered in between two kisses and her eyes opened and widened. He had just called her by her name for the first time, and it rolled over his lips, sounding so erotic. "Sleep with me." he said again. He pushed her deeper into her apartment towards the bedroom and when she didn't protest he took that as a permission.

When her knees reached the mattress she knew that was her last chance to make this stop. It would be for the best. He was a jerk and sleeping with him would not end well. She knew it in her heart. But on the other hand no man like him would ever again pay her that much mind in her whole life ever again. He was an asshole but a hot one. He was sex on legs. She was here to start over, right? To be selfish. Why not have a one night stand with her hot neighbor? Just once in her life, sex with such a hottie. Apparently he wanted her and damn all caution to hell she wanted him.

"Take me Dick...Dean….Jon." she corrected herself and he smirked. "You will get all three Bluebell."

A/N: This happened for a reason, I swear! It is sudden and unexpected but it happened for a really good reason.

Hannah was always a good little girl. She came to Vegas to start over. And she admired Dean/Jon from afar the whole time. She only hates him when he opens his mouth. And he offers her a night of bliss. And she still feels bad for hurting him. Sum everything up, she is confused and does something she wouldn't normally do. happens for a reason. They needed to bond a little...

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