Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Hannah opened her door in the morning to Jon's obtrusive knocks. She didn't know what beat was in his head but the knocking was definitely rhythmic. (It was the Shields entrance)

"I am ready." Hannah announced while opening the door. Jon looked her up and down. Business suit, black. White blouse. Hair up in a tight knot. Rimless glasses. She looked like his principal in middle school and that woman was one scary b...woman. "Do you want to scare them into taking you?" he asked and stepped in the apartment slamming the door shut which made her wince. "The handle is there for a reason." she pointed out.

Jon just shrugged and nodded her way again waiting for an answer. "I look professional. I am a professional."

"We are in Vegas Hannah, we have like 98 degrees out there 9 month a year. People dress casual unless they have to that." he gestured towards her.

"Do you trust me?" he asked and she didn't respond. "Well hold on."

He walked up to her and took the barrette out of her hair, dropped it to the floor which made her gasp and used two hands to shake her blonde hair loose. He framed it around her face and took off her glasses in one move.

"Get the nerd glasses they make you look cute." "I want to look capable." Hannah pouted.

"You are. We just cuten you up a little."

Hannah went into her bedroom to change her glasses, but not before picking up the barrette under Jon's big smile.

"I don't think cuten up is a word by the way." "It is. I invented it. Just now. Come here Bluebell." She walked over to him, looking slightly annoyed now and when she reached him his hands went to her blouse, opening two more buttons, showing a hint of her cleavage now.

"Better. Cute, sexy but still very capable. Grab your stuff doll, we go get you a new job."

Jon was out the door and Hannah hurried after him, closing the door gently this time. Everything she needed was in her purse, already carefully prepared this morning.

"What is it with you and that enormous bag? I swear I travel lighter for two weeks than you do buying groceries."

"I have everything in here. My wallet, hairband, a second pair of glasses, my mobile, my planner, pens, lip balm, hairspray, pins, a sewing kit, a book,..."

Jon interrupted her. "Why would you need a SEWING KIT?" "When I lose a button. Oh I have spare buttons as well, want to see? They are cute."

Jon lowered his head and mumbled: "I would rather like to see your nipples..."

Hannah looked up from her purse not sure she heard that right.

"Fine. Be like that. Hopefully you will not need a spare button today."

"Bluebell the only button on me is on my jeans and if I lose that one I might have other worries like talking to the police after raising public disturbance." Just thinking about that made him grin like a naughty schoolboy.

"I have safety pins as well." Hannah beamed and Jon couldn't help it. He laughed out loud and hugged his new friend. "Bluebell, you are one of a kind. You are special. Never change."

They reached his car and he opened the door for her. The SUV was higher than Hannah would have thought and she struggled with her purse and climbing in and made a fool of herself again until Jon grabbed her ass and gave her a boost. She was fairly certain that he didn't just do it out of the goodness of his heart but rather to feel her up.

They left the gated community and Jon tried some small talk.

"So you took the day off today to do this?" A side glance showed him that Hannah's cheeks heated up.

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