Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Hannah woke up late. It was her day off and for a moment her mind was blissfully blank. But then everything came crashing down on her. Jon, they had established the name Jon last night. The sex...three times...the last time around 4 am. She glanced to the other side of her bed. Which was empty. Hannah sat up and saw that his clothes were missing as well. Did he really just leave after last night?

After putting on a pair of jeans and a shirt she searched for him in her apartment but he was really gone not even left a note behind...

Furious Hannah opened her front door and knocked on the door right next to hers. For a while nothing happened but then the door opened and Jon stood there in just a pair of boxer briefs.

"I created a monster." he smirked, obviously very satisfied with himself and his performance last night even though he had a cracked rib. His left side where her purse had collided with his body was swollen and slightly blue. The bandage was ripped off at the second round by her, she remembered vaguely.

"Is that how you treat women? Take them and leave them?" Hannah asked and tried her hardest to keep the sadness out of her voice.

"I didn't promise you a ring Bluebell, did I? We had sex, it was good, we got whatever it was between us out of our system and you can brag to your lady friends about bedding a wrestler. I could fuck out my frustration about being benched for 3 days. So I say it is a win win situation. Don't make more out of it then it was. I am no relationship guy, I fuck 'em I leave 'em that's it. So you wanna shag again be my guest, you wanna talk white picket fences, kids and a dog...leave."

Her hand landed in his face for the second time in two weeks and this time he took the slap but didn't smirk.

"You are crazy Bluebell. Just my luck. I know how to pick the crazy ones. Leave me alone."

Before he could close the door her foot was in it.

"I don't want a commitment Jon, or to wake up beside you but a goodbye would have been nice. I am pretty realistic Jon, I know I am no model type and rather boring but I want to be treated with respect because one thing I am not either is a low class skank. But you made yourself clear and I want to be blunt as well. You were a half decent lay, it was an okay night and you even managed to satisfy me...once." Well that was a straight out lie, he had made her come all three times and he had been great given his hurting ribs and all but she would never tell him that.

"So no, I will not want to repeat this night, sorry, I am too good for you."

With that she turned on her heels and left.

Jon was speechless. For one thing, he knew she was lying because he was fairly certain that she couldn't fake an orgasm she simply wasn't wired that way. The other thing that stung and hit a little too close to home was her last comment. Too good for him. Hell yeah she probably was. She was educated, no doubt about that, and he barely finished high school, but to rub that in his face, hurt or not, that was a low blow. Probably a proof how hurt she was. But it struck a nerve with him as well, being called not good enough. He was confronted with that prejudice all his life, people telling him wasn't supposed to do this or that, or telling him he couldn't do this or that. Oh how he flipped them all off after doing exactly what they told him he couldn't do and being the best in it. Like wrestling.

So a part of him understood her lashing out because he knew that she wasn't like the girls he usually fucked but the other part was hurt too much to think clearly. He vowed to himself to forget about her, cute or not, deep inside she was like all the other vultures out there taking from him what they wanted and then leaving.

Hannah shut her door with force and kept ranting to herself. She KNEW that he was an asshole! Yet she had been stupid enough to let him in her bed. "Stupid!" she told herself and walked into the bedroom, looking angrily at the sheets.

In an attempt to forget about this night she pulled the dirty sheets off and replaced them with new ones. She wanted to stay angry at him, but then she remembered her words, the look on his face when she told him that he simply wasn't good enough for her.

His eyes had turned cold and his face became unreadable in the matter of two seconds.

"I hurt him." She realized aloud and her own hurt was forgotten again. Hannah promised herself to be nice to him next time she saw him, apologizing properly seemed too hard at the moment. But she would be nice and maybe that would also proof that she was the bigger human being as well. Or not…damn, those eyes and the hurt in them would hunt her for a while.

Bluebell: A Dean Ambrose Fan FictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora