Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It stayed quiet next door until Wednesday. When Hannah returned Wednesday night from work his car was back in his spot at 3 A...and half in her spot. There was no way for her to squeeze her car in the parking lot.

So she did something she wouldn't have done under normal circumstances. She parked her little Kia right behind his SUV without any chance for him to get out. There, that would teach him a lesson!

Happy with herself, silently patting herself on the back, she went inside.

5 am. Jon had spent the last five minutes staring at the little red Kia that blocked his car all the while taking a smoke. That little witch. She started to grow on him. He wanted to go to the gym unable to sleep any longer. And when he walked out into the cool Vegas morning breeze he had come to find this.

A part of him hated to get her out of bed at this time another part lower down his body was looking forward to the encounter.

So two minutes later he was tapping his fist against her door in a staccato beat until he heard the locks click. He stopped and her head, tousled this time looked out the door. She had no glasses on and squinted at him which was adorable. Fuck Jon, stop. Get a grip. He wouldn’t start anything with mousy Bluebell here.

“Are you crazy?“ she asked sleepy. “What do you think would happen when you block my car? That I shift my timetable around so you can sleep in? Get the car away or I move it forcefully.“

She looked...or tried to look at him some more, right now everything was blurry. “It is five in the morning.“ she pointed out the obvious. “Yes Bluebell I am aware of that. I need to go.“ Now her eyes widened.

“Do you have to catch a flight? Omg are you late because of me?“ she stepped away from the door and vanished in her apartment. Jon couldn’t help himself and pushed the door open to watch her endeavor. She went into her supposed bedroom, returned with those sexy nerd glasses and went to her gigantic purse.

“The keys are in here. I know it. Just a moment. Oh my God. When you miss your flight because of me.“ He didn’t bother telling her that he just wanted to go to the gym. And given her sudden rush she figured out sometime during the last week who he is.

“Got it.“ she announced and was out the door and pressed the elevator button. He was still in front of her apartment looking at her from afar.

“I will not be responsible when you keep standing there you know.“

That made him move just in time to get on the elevator with her. Today her jammies were light green, just light green no print or anything.

“Should call you grashopper now, huh?“

“My name is Hannah.“ she protested and realized that she never properly introduced herself.

“Jon.“ he said and earned a confused look. “I thought your name is Dean Ambrose.“ she cut in and he smiled. “That is just for TV. My real name is Jonathan Good.“

They reached the main floor and Hannah got out and walked quickly to her car, driving it to the curb, this time without incident.

“There. You will catch your flight, right?“ Only now her gaze landed on his gym bag.

“Sure, it leaves tonight. I am off to the gym now. Have a nice day.“

With that he left her standing there and drove off without another look.

“That bastard. He made me think he was missing a flight. What an asshole!“

Her voice resonated between the buildings and she shut up. How could one human being be so annoying?

Angry at herself but more so at him Hannah walked back inside. Whatever game they were playing he was leading like 4:0 by now and she really wished she could have a witty comeback for him just once or do a cool thing just to teach him a lesson.

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