Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Three weeks later Hannah signed her new contract. She would start as soon as the department transfer was complete, her old employer had agreed to that.

And tonight she would go out with Jon. It was a Wednesday night and she had gotten herself some new clothes just for this occasion. It was a beige dress, knee length, with matching shoes and a black jacket on top of it. It looked elegant yet without the jacket maybe even sexy.

Well at least Jon seemed to think that because when she opened the door he stood there in his black slacks and grey dress shirt. His usually messy hair was slicked back and he looked so different. Well and he stood there and just stared. He stared until Hannah got uncomfortable. "What is it? Is it not pretty enough?"

Jon looked up. "Bluebell, you are more than pretty you are a fucking bombshell and I will have to keep an eye on you tonight or you go home with someone else." She blushed. "Are you serious?" "As a heart attack."

Only now did Jon realize that her glasses were gone one of the little things he had come to like about his bookworm neighbor.

"Did you develop a 20/20 over night?" "What? Oh no...I wear contacts. I rarely do but tonight I thought...if you don't like it..." "I like it. It just takes some getting used to. Come on gorgeous. Let's enjoy a hot Vegas night."

He offered her his arm and together they walked out, taking a taxi to get to their first stop of the night.

Jon opened the door to the tiny Italian restaurant for Hannah and followed her inside.

It was small, cozy and perfect for a..."Jon?" Hannah had stopped suddenly and he almost ran her over.

"What?" he whispered back not really getting the reason why they were whispering.

"Is this a date?" Could she read his thoughts? Perfect for a date that's what this restaurant was. But he wouldn't tell her that this is a date not when she was a stickler for rules. "It's no date we are friends Bluebell. It's a friends night out." See, she smiled. Just change the name of the game and she was happy. But to him this was pretty much a date.

Their waiter showed them to their table in a cozy little corner and Hannah looked around with wide eyes. It was refreshing seeing her take everything in with big eyes and such delight. She was not one of those women he occasionally dated who took everything for granted or maybe would have even stuck up their nose of this choice of restaurant.

No, she smiled and took everything in and when her smiling face looked at him he had to swallow and wiggle in his chair a little. He had this reaction to her he couldn't explain and couldn't deny. He wanted her, like all the time she was close to him, but he would play by her rules for the time being, simply to enjoy her company until she was ready for more. Because the night they had spent together all those weeks ago was still burned into his brain. He had woken up at the crack of dawn, next to her sleeping frame and she had looked so cute. And he felt like someone punched him in the stomach that moment just that it wasn't painful but very pleasant. That's why he deserted her, because he was not ready for commitment, hell how should he keep a girlfriend happy if he spend so much time on the road? Yes, some of his coworkers managed to do it, but he couldn't wrap his mind around it. Better to keep things casual, embracing this friendship thing and adding the benefits at a later point if possible.

"Jon?" He felt her little foot connecting with his shin, gently. "Bluebell, are you secretly into BDSM? All the kicking and slapping makes me wonder..."

She gasped. "No I would never...I was just trying to get your attention because your mind seemed to be elsewhere."

"Right. So, what is it?"

Bluebell: A Dean Ambrose Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now