Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Two weeks passed and when Jon returned home on another Wednesday he was surprised to see his landlord step out of Hannah's apartment.

"What are you doing?" he asked him.

"Just checked that the place is empty. Got some tours scheduled for tomorrow. Oh, and the place wasn't empty, there was an envelope for you. Here."

He pressed the envelope into Jon's hand and left.

He stared down on the brown paper bag and his hand shook.

Stepping into his own apartment he shut the door with force and went to the couch, sat down and opened the envelope, pulling out a letter. Neatly written in the nicest handwriting he had ever seen.

Dear Jon,

I am sorry I can't say goodbye to you in person. I only had a day to grab all my stuff and it happened to be a Monday and you are on TV later.

My mother is sicker than we thought, the stroke left her pretty much helpless. I don't have the means to put her into a care facility that means that my little attempt for freedom ends here. I return home and take care of her. I quit my job with the university as well and the haulage company loads my last stuff on the truck as I write this.

I know we didn't have the best start but I learned to love our banters really quickly.. You opened my eyes to this world and taught me how to have fun. How to be carefree even if it lasted only for a while.

And I will forever treasure our night together. I knew that it would be a one-time thing, which man can be interested in me for more than a night? And I am sorry that I lied to you. You satisfied me, all three times. And I am not too good for you, you are too good for me.

Thank you Jonathan for teaching me how to live, I am glad I could enjoy this for a while. Now my responsibilities have caught up with me and I have to return to the life I am destined for.

Take care Jon, and don't let your skunk haired friend beat you up too much! You need to focus and beat him at this next big TV thing that is coming up.


Jon swallowed hard. She was gone? Like for real? No more cute jammies? No more nerd glasses and messy hair? No more banter?

Frustrated Jon slammed the letter on the table and got up. His eyes landed on the unsigned annulment papers on his counter. In the heat of the moment when she had left him he hadn't signed them. And she must have forgotten about that whole thing as well.

Okay, so he was still married to her and it would stay that way. He took the papers, ripped them into tiny pieces and threw them into the trash.

"I will get you back Hannah." He promised darkly.

- The End

A/N: That's it. For now. As you can see, I left the door wide open for another part of this story. But right now I ran all out of ideas for funny scenes. But there will be a second part. Just not right away. It will need a little time.

So let me thank you all for your lovely reviews! This was supposed to be really just a funny little side projects but your reviews showed me, that this story is much more to you. And to be honest, that scared me a lot because I had already written up an ending, and changed it to this.

And since you all have been such wonderful readers I want to end this in a fashion many great authors do these days. With a sneak preview of Poppy (Bluebell Pt. 2). Fair warning: Poppy will not come anytime soon, sorry!


„What did you do on your days off?" Joe asked Jon as they sat together having lunch at the arena. Colby joined them with his packed plate.

"My wife left me. Tried to get my shit together." Jon explained between bites.

Joe studied him and finally said: "You have no wife Ambrose, or do you call your whores wife now?"

Colby coughed on his food and Jon shot Joe a glare. "I am married. Ask the traitor, he walked in on us after our wedding night."

Joe turned his attention to Colby. "He is not lying. I saw the papers. He married his neighbor he can't stop talking about. Bluebell. They were both drunk. It was what…6 weeks ago? And now she left you?"

"Yeah, moved out, moved back home without even giving me a chance to talk to her. Left me a stupid letter."

Joe muttered: "Well, I'll be damned. And you chatty cathys could keep that a secret this long? What are you going to do now Jon?" Now Colby's attention was on Jon as well.

"I'll get her back of course." Jon explained nonchalantly and shrugged, putting another bite of chicken in his mouth.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2014 ⏰

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