Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Hannah was on her knees, her jeans rubbing over the asphalt while her hand was in the rain gutter.

Her firm ass stood out and Jon admired it from afar. It was Sunday and he was on his way to the airport when he noticed Hannah kneeling on the street in front of her parking space.

What a nice ass and what a cute woman Jon thought to himself. She really had grown on him the little mouse who seemed to have constantly bad luck. Who was so shy at times but so eager to please and be pleased between the sheets.

Jon shook his head. He had to forget about her, he wouldn't tap into that body ever again. She was just like everyone else.

"Come on...come on...come on." she silently prayed and tried to get her arm deeper into the rain gutter.

The lid was too heavy for her to lift so she had to put her slender arm through it trying to fish out her car keys. Just her luck that she dropped them directly over the gutter. They were so close and yet so far, two or three inches were missing and her whole arm was already in the gutter up to her shoulder.

"Step aside." a rough voice said all of a sudden right next to her and she shriek and pulled her hand out.

"Jon." she said and moved aside a little. He stepped to the gutter and lifted the lid like it was nothing.

"Get your keys." he told her when she still only stared at him with the heavy gutter lid in his hands.

Quickly she dove deep inside the hole and reached her keys now without a problem.

"Got them!" she announced and got up while Jon put the gutter back into place.

"Thank you." Her eyes landed on his suitcase.

"You are leaving. Take care." she smiled and Jon was contemplating about responding to her. No, rather not. Be a dick. Push her far far away. But why help her then?

"You should wash your hand and the keys, they smell like vultures cunt." he told her and averted his eyes immediately just so he didn't have to see the anger and hurt in her eyes because of that comment.

Hannah gasped. She had tried to be civil and nice seeing him for the first time today after their fight Friday morning. And he had been so nice. But back was the asshole she remembered from the first couple of encounters. With one difference. The asshole before had been easy going and smirking not really dishing out hurtful things. This new asshole spoke to hurt and cut deep wounds. And he succeeded. Hannah left him to himself and went back inside, totally forgetting about the errands she had to run.

Two weeks would pass before Hannah saw Jon again. She had to leave town on Wednesday for a seminar, missing him and only returned when he had already left for the next trip and the next week he didn't return home on his usual Wednesday and Thursday nights off.

Hannah caught herself waiting impatiently for the next Wednesday to see if he would return. The whole day at work was slow and time dragged its feet. Every minute seemed like an hour.

Until late in the afternoon her boss called her to his office.

"Hannah you work for us a little over a year now. You are the head of the historic texts department and we value your work there and your expertise. As you are aware, we lost funding recently forcing us to make some cuts. Unfortunately one cut has to be made in your department. We will close it down and everything will transfer to the university library. That also means I have to let you go because I have no work for you here and since you are the newest, youngest member and have no family I will have to fire you. Your contract ends at the end of July. I am really sorry Hannah but I am sure with your level of expertise you will find a new job soon."

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