Chapter 10

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               Enjoy :b


 I am in a forest...... No a dungeon...... No a castle.

 I can't say exactly where I am because the scenes keep changing and I can't keep up. It finally settles on a dark eerie forest. I can see, but still cannot. I can hear, but it's completely silent.

 A strong gust of wind blows the leaves on the trees making them shake vigorously as it passes. The air is strangely humid. Ugh! I hate wet air.

 The trees stand as tall as the Eiffel tower would, casting large shadows on the ground below. You can barely see anything through them. They all have thick brown trunks, long branches that somehow managed to weave through others and numerous leaves.

 I don't understand what I am doing here or how I got here. I can't remember what I did before I suddenly appeared here. I try harder, but nothing comes up.

 "Ugh!" I yell into the darkness. 


 I turn around so fast I think my neck almost snapped. I look behind me, but see nothing. 


 I turn in every direction trying to find the person speaking.


 I look straight forward and see something, but I don't know what it is exactly. Still that doesn't stop my body from moving of its own accord in the direction of it.

 I walk forward. I don't know where I'm going or what I'm going to find, but I still walk. The trees pass me as I advance into the unknown.

 I see a building ahead. A very old tower that looks like it was caught in the middle of raging wars for decades. My curiosity gets the better of me and I decide to go in to look around.

 The inside was almost as worse as the outside. Maybe even more. 

 The walls were a very faded grey and it wasn't because of the cement used. The walls had been painted grey and I know that because part of it had already peeled off, revealing the actual color of the walls.

 "That' strange. The walls are black." I whisper to myself.


 I turn around and see one of the doors slightly left ajar. I don't know why, but it's almost like I'm being drawn to it. I walk to it and push it open further.


 I turn swiftly to my left and see this trail of black smoke phase through one of the doors. I follow it into the next room.

 I open the door and see that I am in a grand hall with a long table that stretches almost across the entire room. I'm guessing this is the dining room. 

 The tower that I walked into is certainly not as large as this, so I'm wondering how this room fits.


 "Come here..... Come there...... Do you really not say anything else? Better yet, tell me where the hell I'm going, mysterious cloud of smoke that I seem to be blindly and mindlessly following for no good reason!" I shout in the direction of the whisper.


 "Bloody hell! Alright fine! Lead the way, oh great and powerful cloud of smoke." I say exasperated. I follow it into yet another room.

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