Beauty and the Beast {1}

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Reader's POV

Once upon a time— that's not how this story is going to start off. I know, I know, this story is called Beauty and the Beast, but this isn't the original Beauty and the Beast. This is a story about Emily Prentiss, the most beautiful girl at the BAU, but she was an outcast. She joined after Elle Greenway had left, she was the replacement. The team isn't liking her so far, give them time, they will. The Beast in this story is none other than Aaron Hotchner, he's always grumpy, quick to bite back, he's a loaded shotgun just waiting for the finger, in this case a person, to pull the trigger. He's a walking bomb... tick tock, at least that's how everyone at the BAU sees him. Deep down there's this good guy begging to be shown the light, but it takes a special person to find Aaron when Hotch always seems to have the spotlight. In this story, the castle is the BAU and the West wing, is Hotch's office.

This particular morning Emily wanted to look nice, but she didn't want to over do it either. She settled for flowy red button up that felt like silk, black dress pants, and her high heels boots. She did her makeup light, but still enough so she looked alive. Emily stepped back to look at herself in the mirror; after deciding she looked decent she headed to work.

When she made her way through the glass doors she felt eyes on her, but she didn't look at them. Emily walked to her desk and put her go bag underneath and put her purse in the bottom drawer. She began working on some case files.

Hotch watched Emily, from afar of course, as she did her paperwork. He admired her beauty. That was one of the first things he noticed about her, along with her brains. She had only been here a week and he is already wanting to taste her lips, he knew his need and desire to have her would only grown stronger. Unlike the Beauty and the Beast fairy tale we all know and love, there is no curse on Aaron Hotchner; he is just hard to love and pushes everyone who could possible care about him away.

The hours pass slowly for Emily. They had no cases or anything exciting all day. As she was packing up her things she heard Morgan say, "Anyone wanna head out for drinks? JJ's paying the first round."

Jennifer scoffed at him, "Like hell I am." Everyone laughed, a chorus of 'we'll come' came from everyone on the team, including Hotch who had joined in time to hear Morgan's question, Emily was the only one who didn't answer. When she drank, she drank. They all looked at her.

"You coming Princess?" Derek asked, Emily shook her head. "Awe c'mon I need a knew drinking buddy. I have some friends at Interpol that say you were the best drinking buddy they've had."

Emily laughed, "I'm sure you didn't hear that, seeing as I never went out for drinks with them." He made puppy dogs eyes, clasped his hands, and got on his knees. She rolled her eyes, "Only if never do, that, again."

"Deal." He laughed. They all piled into their cars and headed to a bar they went to regularly called Veto's, it was the closest bar to the BAU. It was a nice bar.

Everyone ordered their drinks and sat at a booth. "How good of a stomach do you have Prentiss?" Derek asked her.

Emily raised an eyebrow, "A pretty good one, why?" He smirked and got up to order shots for himself and Emily.

"He's going to bet you money you can't down as many shots as him without chasing it." JJ told Emily when he got up.

Prentiss laughed, "I hope he's ready to lose a lot of money."

"Morgan's pretty good. Are you?"

"That's why I never went out drinking with co-workers from Interpol." Emily laughed, Morgan came over with shots, "How much are we betting?"

"Hm, let's go with $15, I'll take it easy on you."

Oh, was he in for a big surprise. "How about $35."

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