hospital {14}

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Reader's POV

Emily woke up to the sound of her daughter throwing up. Emily jumped up and ran to help her, "Oh honey, why didn't you wake me up?"

When Edeth finally stopped throwing up she said, "Because you needed to sleep."

She sighed rubbing her back, "Baby, you still could've waken me up." Emily felt Edeth's head and sighed, "Go lay back down, I'll make you some toast, it'll help your stomach."

Edeth did as she was told. Once under the blanket she began shivering, "Emmy, I'm c-cold." The small child whimpered.

Emily walked over to her walk-in closet and grabbed another blanket. Emily wrapped her in blankets and kissed her head, "I'll be right back, okay?"

"Mhm," she muttered. Emily made her way to the kitchen and saw Aaron sitting on the couch watching tv.

"What're you doing up so early?"

He laughed, "It's 10 o'clock."

She spun around to look at the stove, checking the time. "How long have you been awake?" Emily opened the bread on the island and put it into the toaster.

"Since 5."

Emily frowned, "Where's Alex?"

"He's still asleep. He really liked the movie. How was your night with Edeth?

"It was okay," she shrugged, "I woke up to her throwing up about 10 minutes ago, she didn't want to wake me up."

"How is she now?"

"She has a fever still, I got her another blanket because she was still cold. I'm making toast now, her stomach still hurts."

He nodded, "Being sick sucks. Are you gonna take her to the hospital?"

"Only if she wants to. I don't like hospitals so I won't force her to go unless she really needs to." He agreed with her, he didn't like hospitals either. A sleepy Alex wondered out into the kitchen, "Morning buddy," Emily said to him.

"Morning," he smiled sleepily. He looked around, "Where's Edeth?"

"She's laying down in my room, she still doesn't feel good." Emily took the toast out of the toaster and put it on a plate. "I will be right back." Emily gave Edeth her toast, "Here sweetheart, eat this, do you want water?" She nodded and Emily quickly grabbed a glass of water for her, "Take small sips." She told her. "I'm going to make breakfast, are you okay in here?"

"Can I lay on the couch?" She asked with a cough at the end.

Emily smiled and nodded her head, "I'll carry you, come on."

"I can walk-" Edeth began to protest.

Emily kissed her forehead, "I know, but not while you're sick." Emily carried her to the couch and set her down. Aaron was getting water in the kitchen, "Do bacon, eggs, and pancakes sound good?" Emily asked Aaron and Alex.

"Yes!" Alex squealed.

"You've done enough already, I'll make breakfast."

Alex ran and turned the tv on. "I actually like cooking so I'll help you."

Emily and Aaron cooked breakfast together with additional help from Alex every now and then.

"Alex, wash your hands please." Emily called while making his plate. She set it on the table for him and made her way to the couch where Edeth was laying. She crouched down to look at her, she brushed a stray piece of hair out of her face, "Do you want some soup?" Edeth shook her head, "Do you want anything?"

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