pain, memories, and death {10}

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Reader's POV

The team had arrived in Nevada the night before. They had made some progress, but not a lot. This might be a long case. Everyone was on break for a little bit, Emily picked up her phone to see her kids wanted to facetime from Penelope's phone, so she accepted, "Hi babies!"

"Hi Emily! I miss you! Can you come home?" Alex asked with a pouty face. The rest of the team watched adoringly.

Emily frowned, "I wish I could baby boy, but I have to catch this really bad guy." Emily really needed to talk to her minis, this case was a little hard on her. Cases that involved children seemed to be hitting her hard.

"Can't you catch the bad guy now?" Edeth whined.

"I wish I could. Are you having fun with Aunt Penny?"

Their faces lit up, "Yeah! We drew you more pictures! And we drew some for Aunt JJ, Aaron, Uncle Derek, Uncle Dave, and Uncle Reid. We already gave Aunt Penny hers!" Alex said excitedly.

"Everyone is here right now, do you want to see them?"

"Yes!" They both squealed. Emily turned the camera to the rest of the team, "Hi!" They smiled.

The team all conversatated with the twins for a little. Emily and Aaron had been talking to the twins when someone ran into the break room where everyone was, "We think we have a lead!" Officer Daniels yelled and ran out.

"I have to go okay? I talk to you guess tomorrow. I love you monkeys." Before the twins could answer her back she hung up.

Edeth had tears in her eyes, "I didn't get to say I love you. Emmy needs to know, incase she dies like our other mommy."

"Oh pumpkin!" Garcia cooed as she pulled the girl in for a hug, "Emily knows you love her and she's not gonna die okay? She'll always be there for you."

"I just miss her a lot."

"I know you do."


"Be careful Emily." Hotch told her as she suited up to go undercover. The unsub had switched his MO to killing brunettes that walk the streets at night when he wasn't making father's watch their children and wives deaths'.

"I will." They had been on this case for nearly a week. Since Emily was the only brunette female on the team, she volunteered to go undercover. Hotch didn't like the idea at all, it took a lot of persuasion, mostly from Emily promising she'd be okay. They both knew it was wrong for her to promise anything, especially in the field, but it made them both feel better.


Emily had been walking for almost an hour. The team followed her in a black out van, they watched as a man turned the corner and walked slowly and quietly behind her. "Emily, be calm, he is behind you." She slightly nodded her head so show them she understood. Nothing about her posture changed after receiving the news from Morgan.

Emily's eyes widened in fear, the unsub must've changed his killing style, whereas before he would stab them to death, which would give Emily an advantage to take him down, he put the cold blade to Emily's neck. "Make a noise, and I'll kill you right here, Agent Prentiss." Her throat went dry, How the hell does he know me? She was freaking out, as was the team.

"What the hell? How does this bastard know her!?" Morgan raised his voice, scared for his friend and partners saftey.

Hotch shook his head, "I don't know, but he's not gonna kill her." Hotch turned to the SWAT captain, "Tell your men to move." Hotch then turned back to his team, "Suit up, we're going to get Emily." All of the members noticed that Hotch had called her Emily and not Agent Prentiss, but they didn't have time to address it.

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