outing {5}

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Reader's POV

Emily woke up to Edeth snuggling into her chest and sniffling, "Hey, sweetheart, are you ok?" Edeth just nodded her head. Emily knew what it was like to be upset and not want to talk, so she just rubbed the girl's back. Alex woke up in a big bed by himself, for a second he couldn't remember anything, but then he remembered he was at Emily's house, his new home. He got up and looked for his sister and Emily. He saw them through the cracks of Emily's door. He slowly opened it and walked. "Good morning Alex." Emily smiled.

He smiled back at her, "Good morning." He crawled onto Emily's bed as well and laid on the side that Edeth wasn't.

They all laid there enjoying eachother's company when Emily's phone rang. She pulled it off of her night stand and answered, "Prentiss,"

"The foster care system called me, there were somethings recovered at the Trainers' house that belong to Alex and Edeth. Do you want me to bring their things to your place?"

"Oh no, it's ok, I can-"

Hotch chuckled, "I knew you'd say that. Emily it's ok, I'm already on my way with their things, you should be with them today, they need you."

Emily let out a sigh, "Thank you. Do you still have a key?"

"I think," he paused while he looked for the key to her apartment, "there it is." The whole team had keys to eachother's houses incase of emergencies or any other reason.

"Good, because I'm kind of wrapped up." Emily laughed.

"I'll be there in 5." They hung up and true to his word Hotch was there in 5 minutes. He used his key to get in, "Emily?"

"In my room." She called. Hotch made his way to her room when he entered the room he smiled. Alex and Edeth were on opposite sides of her and they had both fallen back asleep.

"Where do you want the box?"

"In the spare room, please." Emily slid out from underneath the twins and followed Hotch. "They want a bunk bed." Emily said with slight laughter.

"They're fun, I had one. My brother and I fought over who got the top bunk." Hotch laughed, yes, Hotch laughed.

"At least you had a brother to fight with, I had to suffer being an only child."

"Suffer? I bet you were spoiled."

Emily scoffed, "If your idea of spoiled is having politics shoved down your throat as soon as you can talk, then sure." They moved to the kitchen where Emily began making breakfast.

"Oh c'mon, it couldn't have been that bad." He said as he sat at the island.

"She forbade me from any job that wasn't politics related. We never got along, we still don't," Emily shrugged, "but she's still my mother; just not the one I wanted as a kid. Which I know is pretty bad to say." She laughed.

Hotch got caught up in the way Emily's hips swayed when she moved, how she licked or bit her lip almost everytime she talked or even when she was thinking, how sometimes she'd blink slowly and other times she'd blink fast, the way she talked about people she adored, how she had the perfect curves, he got caught up in her. "I used to wish my mom was different too." Just then the twins came running in.

Emily noticed they looked worried, "What's wrong?"

They ran and hugged her, "We woke up and you weren't there, w-we thought something happened to you." Alex explained.

She smiled, "I'm sorry, I came out here to make breakfast, and a box of your things have been brought here." She pointed to Hotch.

"Thank you." They said shyly.

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