twins {3}

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Reader's POV

It's been months since Emily joined the BAU, she likes it better now than when she first joined. Her feelings for Hotch have only grown more, as his have too. The whole team knows that they love each other; Hotch and Emily are oblivious to the fact that they both love each other. "There's something we're missing here Hotch. His victims aren't similar in anyway, there is nothing connecting them." Derek explained as the team sat in police department of D.C. because this case was local.

Emily suddenly had an idea, "What if a single person is connecting them. The unsub could attack that person by killing their friends."

"Garcia look for any friend or one person they had in common, a police officer, a bartender, anyone who they all know well."

"On it sir. Garcia out." Just then a rookie detective came running into conference room.

"There has been another killing, on the corner of 3rd and 4th." Everyone rushed out and into their cars.

When they arrived at the scene they all investigated and gave their theories of what happened. "The victim is Lexi Trainer she's in her late twenties, she has two four year olds, a boy and girl named Alex and Edeth, they're twins." The were filled in by the lead of the PD.

"Where are the kids?" Emily asked. The officer point to an ambulance. "Hotch, I'm gonna go check on the kids." He nodded. As Emily approached the ambulance the children grew scared and she saw it. "Oh no, it's ok, I'm the good guy, my name is Emily, what's yours?" She knew their names, but she needed to show them she cared.

Alex spoke up, "I am Alex and she's Edeth." Alex looked at her gun, "He killed mommy with that." He pointed to Emily's gun. Lexi was shot in the back of her head execution style, he made the kids watch.

"I promise I won't hurt you. Can you tell me what happened?"

This time Edeth talked, "He said mommy would pay. Then he made her get on her knees, he walked behind her and h-he shot mommy in the head." Edeth started to cry and Emily sat in between her and Alex. Edeth hugged her and so did Alex.

"Shh, it's okay. I will catch the guy who did this to your mommy, okay?" The both nodded into her side where they both had their heads. Hotch and the rest of the team walked over. Hotch couldn't help but imagine Emily with his kids, their kids. She has always wanted kids, she just never found a man she wanted kids with, until Hotch. The twins looked up and got scared when they saw six strangers approaching them. Emily looked down to them and whispered, "It's ok, they're my friends. See that badge they have?" The both nodded, "That's means they're here to help us okay?" Once again, they nodded. All 6 members of the team adored the way Emily handled kids, you'd swear she's had one before.

Alex and Edeth had dark brown hair with light blue eyes, if not for the blue eyes, you'd mistake them for Emily's kids. "Did they see anything?" JJ asked, almost afraid of the answer.

Emily nodded and sighed, "Everything. Execution style, like we thought. He said that she'd pay, whatever that meant, but that means the victims knew him."

Jennifer crouched down to the twins, "Do you know who the man was?"

They shook their heads and Edeth looked at Emily and Emily nodded her head, "Mommy called him Robert."

"Okay, that's good. What else did she say to him?"

"She cried and begged him not to kill her, that she'd get his money." Edeth cried, still attached to Emily's side.

JJ whispered, "Okay," she smiled, "That's good. You guys were a big help. Who can we call for you guys, your dad or grandparents?"

"We don't have any family here. Mommy said all we have is eachother." Alex said, he was stuck to Emily's side as well.

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