i love you {12}

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Reader's POV

The team had solved the case that the Governor had asked them to solve. Tonight Alex and Edeth were staying the weekend at JJ's house to have a sleepover with Henry.

The twins and Henry haven't seen each other in a while, they are a excited about their sleepover. "Mommy can I bring my dino?" Alex asked.

She nodded, "Yes baby. Guess what?" Emily smiled big.

"What Emmy?" Although Alex had been calling Emily mommy, Edeth hadn't yet, she liked calling her Emmy, Emily didn't mind.

"While you guys are sleeping over at Aunt JJ's house Aaron and I will finally be fixing your room." They had been so side tracked they never had time to do the twins' room.

"Yay!" They both exclaimed.

"Can we see Aaron before we leave?" Edeth asked shyly.

"Honey," Emily smiled, "of course you can. I'll go call him."

Emily grabbed her phone from the counter and called him.

"Hey Em," he answered sleepily

She felt bad, "I didn't me to wake you, but the twins wanted to see you before they left for JJ's." It was only 8 o'clock so it was strange for Hotch to be sleeping at this time, but Emily didn't ask.

"It's ok, I'll be over soon." They exchanged byes and hung up. Hotch had been staying over a lot, so he had his own dresser in Emily's room filled with clothes. He even had a tooth brush and shoes there. They never talked about where they stand, but he intended on making that change tonight.

"Aaron will be here soon, he's gonna come with us to drop you monkeys off."

They both smiled and okayed Emily. There was a knock on the door and Emily opened it, it was Aaron. "They're in the living room, do you want to ride with me to drop them off?"

He smiled at her, "Yeah." It took everything in him not to kiss her right there. Hotch walked into the living and the kids faces lit up, "Aaron!" They ran tackled him. Emily watched him with the kids, he was a great father figure to them. They hadn't told each other 'I love you' yet, but Emily planned on doing that tonight.

"Okay you tackle monsters let's go." Emily laughed.

"Piggy back ride mommy!" Alex squealed.

Emily bent down and he hoped on her back.

"Me too Aaron!" Edeth smiled, then did the same as Emily. As the were walking out of Emily's apartment her lovely old neighbor, Martha, smiled to them, "It's nice to finally see you happy Emily." Martha turned to Hotch, "Whatever you and these kids do to make her happy, keep it up. I haven't seen her this happy in," she took a minute to think, "I haven't seen her this happy actually. And you young man, better not break her heart, granny's got a gun, and she's not afraid to use it." They all laughed.

Hotch looked at Emily and smiled, "I would never hurt her."

Martha smiled and made her way to her apartment. Emily's face was flushed at Hotch's statement, he hadn't corrected her in implying they were together.

All 4 made their way to Emily's SUV and drove off to JJ's, the drive was only 5 minutes. When they were getting out of the car Emily grabbed Alex and Hotch grabbed Edeth.

Edeth looked into Hotch's eyes and asked, "Do you love Emmy?"

He was taken aback by the 4 year olds question but quickly answered with a smile on his lips, "Yes, I do love her."

Edeth smiled and whispered, "I think Emmy loves you too."

Emily walked to the other side of the car, "Come on slow pokes." Aaron gave Edeth a piggy back ride inside as Emily gave Alex one too.

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