daddy spaghetti {6}

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Reader's POV

"Emily can we please decorate our room now?" Asked an impatient Alex.

"Not yet, it will take a little while, so how about we do it on a weekend, okay?"

Alex sighed in defeat and nodded, "Okay." Emily laughed at him. "But can me and Edeth go play outside?"

Emily was a little uneasy with the idea, but Aaron told her, "Let them play for a bit, they'll be fine."

She nodded to Alex, "Go ahead." She smiled. "Oh wait," Alex turned around and Emily walked to the freezer and pulled out two ice pops and cut the tops off of them.

Emily handed him the ice pops and he turned back around after thanking her.

Instead of getting a bunk bed the twins decided, after a suggestion from Aaron, that they wanted two separate beds on opposite sides of the room and they get to decorate their half. That idea seemed fair, a little more costly, but they were worth it.

Emily pulled a wine bottle down from the top shelves, she had to move them off of the counter when CPS came to inspect her apartment, she then moved and got a wine glass down, turning to Aaron she asked, "Do you want some wine?"

"No, I'm fine."

"You sure," she grinned, "it's pretty good."

Hotch laughed lightly, "Yes, I'm sure."

"Suit yourself." she smirked, "Make yourself at home." Emily enjoyed having him around. He ventured to the living and took a seat. Emily came in after and put a movie on. Emily then remembered that Hotch had been seeing a someone named Beth, the topic made her a little but jealous, but she figured it'd make conversation, "So, how are things with you and Beth?"

He shook his head, "We only went on a couple of dates, it didn't work. She already didn't like our hours." Hotch laughed.

"Our hours aren't easy for people to understand or accept." Emily said and Hotch agreed. "And I'm sorry things didn't work out with Beth." She wasn't really sorry, she knew that, if anything she was happy.

"I'm not," he shrugged his shoulders, "she was nice, but there's someone else." Emily got up and walked into the kitchen to rinse her glass out.

"Do I know her?" Emily asked.

Hotch smiled, "Yes actually, you know her pretty well."

Emily didn't really want to talk about Hotch's 'someone else' but she didn't want to make it obvious that she is in love with him, every little thing he does drives her crazy. "Well that's no help. Who is she?"

Hotch laughed again at her ignorance, "All I'm going to say is that she would be perfectly fine with my hours, seeing as hers are pretty similar if not the same."

Emily came walking back into the living room, but before she could answer Edeth came running in, "Emmy! Alex is bleeding!" Emily hopped up, as did Hotch and they ran outside to get him.

When they got to him he reached out for Emily, "I fell off the scooter and hurt my leg." He wasn't crying, but he was clearly in pain.

Emily picked him up, "C'mon, it's just a scrape. You'll be okay. You're a big boy." She smiled at him and then tickled him, "You are getting heavy."

"S-stop..." He squealed, "it t-t..." He laughed until Emily stoped. "I'm gonna tickle you when we get inside."

Hotch laughed at them, "Good luck, I'm not ticklish." She was obviously lying, but she didn't want to be tickled.

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