sick {13}

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Reader's POV

"Good morning baby," Aaron whispered in Emily's ear as she woke up. He kissed her temple, cheek, nose, forehead, then lips.

Emily bit her lip, "Hm, good morning handsome."

Aaron kissed her then whispered, "You drive me crazy when you bite your lip."

She smiled and bit her lip again, teasing him, "I'll have to do it more often then."

"You'll never learn will you Emily Elizabeth Prentiss." He asked climbing on top of her.

Emily smirked, "Hm, middle naming me? I must be in trouble Mr. Hotchner." She pouted and he bit her lip lightly.

He nodded his head, "You are in big trouble." He leaned down to kiss her but there was a knock at the door.

"Coming!" Emily called as she reluctantly crawled out from underneath of Aaron, "Sorry." She whispered and kissed his lips.

When she opened the door JJ stood there with the Alex, Edeth, and Henry. Emily smiled, "Hey you two." Emily said to her kids and then turned to Henry and bent down, "Hey Henry," she tickled his stomach and he giggled.

"Hi Auntie Em!" Henry threw his arms around her neck.

"Did you two have fun with Aunt JJ?" Emily asked after Henry had let go of her.

"Yes! Mommy can we go play?" Alex asked.

"Hold on, Aaron and I fixed your room, go play in the living room and we can go see it in a minute, okay?"

"Okay mommy. Come on Henry."

Hotch heard the kids and threw on his grey joggers and a dark blue t-shirt. Emily was wearing shorts and one of his light blue t-shirts. JJ noticed it wasn't her shirt, "So, who's shirt it that?"

"Mine." Hotch said as he walked out of Emily's room, that was probably going to be their room soon.

JJ looked between Aaron and Emily and laughed, "It took you two long enough."

"Alex, Edeth, bring Henry to come see your room." Emily turned to her best friend and boyfriend, "You two coming?"

"Yes." JJ answered, Aaron stayed behind as JJ and Emily started to walk.

"Aaron, aren't you coming?" Emily asked.

He shook his head and smirked, "No, I like the view from back here."

Emily laughed, "Shut up and come on."

"Yes ma'am." He followed them to the twins' room.

"I love it!" Edeth squealed, "Thank you Emmy and Aaron!" She ran and hugged them, Alex joining in.

"Thank you mommy and Aaron!"

They both said, "You're welcome."

"Mommy, is Aaron gonna live with us?"

Emily and Aaron hadn't talked about him moving in. She wanted him to move in with her and the kids, but she didn't know how he felt about it. They all looked between Emily and Aaron, she didn't know what to say, so she looked to him for help, "No," he smiled, he noticed the kids' faces fell, including JJ and Emily's, "not yet." They all lit up.

"Really? You're gonna live with us?" Edeth asked excited.

Emily turned to him with hope in her eyes and she smiled at him. He didn't know why there was that spark of hope in eyes, but he was glad he put it there.

Emily looked at her daughter and nodded. JJ took Henry's hand, "We have get going, see you all later." JJ said, "Say bye to the twins Hen."

"Bye!" Henry said as they walked out of the door.

Beauty and the Beast Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora