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Reader's POV

The jet had just landed and Emily was peacefully asleep on Hotch. He didn't want to wake her, but they couldn't stay on the jet until morning. "Emily, we're here." Hotch spoke while shaking her gently. JJ watched how gentle and caring Hotch is with Emily, she smiled to herself knowing he'd make Emily happy.

When Emily opened her eyes they were red from crying, her face paler than normal making her hair seem more raven colored and her lips seem more like blood. She nodded and stood, grabbing her bag before walking off. They all knew Emily would be embarrassed because they saw her break down and pretty much told her whole team that she had been suicidal and if not for the kids she had now, she probably still would be.

Losing someone is a horrible thing, it can make us do, say, and think horrible things. JJ knew almost as much as Emily. Having lost her sister, who killed herself, when she was just 11 years old. JJ intended on talking to Emily about her 'I should've died' statement, but she knew the brunette agent needed time.

The twins were in Garcia's lair, asleep on the futon. She ran out when she heard the ding of the elevator, meaning the team was back.

Jennifer had called Penelope and told her what happened with Emily. When Garcia saw Emily her eyes began to tear at how tired and upset she looked, when usually she was the strongest of them, Hotch and JJ being right up there with her. Without a word Garcia ran and hugged her. Emily closed her eyes, trying to push her tears away. Garcia whispered, "I am so so sorry. You shouldn't have had to go through that; no one should have to." When they separated Garcia said, "If you need anything, I am here."

Emily nodded in response and weakly asked, "Alex and Edeth?"

"They're asleep." Emily quietly walked to Penelope's lair to get her babies, she really needed them right now.

Reid shook his head and sighed sadly, "I wish Emily didn't have to go through this. She doesn't deserve this."

JJ put a hand on his shoulder, "Me too Spence." Everyone else mumbled "me toos' and parted ways to go home.

Emily opened the door to Penelope's lair and saw her twins asleep, she smiled, both a happy and sad smile. She walked to them and sat on the side of the bed, brushing a piece of hair out of Edeth's face. Emily kissed both of their heads, "Come on my chickies, time to go home."

Edeth mumbled an okay, "I'm glad you're home, I missed you mommy." Alex said as Emily lifted the two sleepy kids into her arms. She was taken aback by being called mommy, but she didn't mind it, it helped her at this point.

Hotch saw Emily struggling a little to carry two sleeping kids, her go bag, and her purse, so Hotch walked out of his office and up to Emily, "Here," he said taking Edeth out of Emily's arms and into his.

"You don't have to." She whispered so she didn't wake the kids.

"I know. I want to. I was heading home anyway." Emily nodded.

Hotch and Emily set the two into their car seats, Alex behind the driver's seat and Edeth behind the passenger's seat. Hotch walked over to Emily and hugged her, she felt safe with him, as he did with her. "If you need anything, call me." Her head was resting oh his chest, she listened to his heartbeat, something that always seemed to calm herself and her daughter down. Most babies and young kids feel safe when they hear the steady beating of a heart.

Emily wanted to stay like this all night and so did he, but neither said anything, so they both slept in their own beds tonight; alone, and missing the other.


Emily shot awake, breathing hard, and tears fell from her eyes. She had a dream about Alana. Emily glanced at the clock, 2:13 am. She debated on whether or not to call Hotch. Emily decided to call him, she needed someone right now.

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